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Class 37 tts won't move


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Hi, bought a class 37 TTS , straight out of the box onto a dcc track, all new, running Hornby elite, won't run, just sits there, read some of the topics on here, and left it 15 minutes, still didn't move, tried changing the address to another number, still nothing, can't get any functions to work either, just the annoying engine sound (diesel engine tickover), when I try to change address I get 6 red flashes instead of 5 or 7. now when you reply, if you do, be gentle, some of us are idiots and need extra help, lay mans terms please. thanks.

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Cee-jay, hi, and welcome to the forum. As a start, put loco back to its original cv, of 03, then try again. As regard functions, the annoying tickover, is what it is supposed to do, on start up. Do you have any other locos, you can try, to eliminate the problem being your Elite, and not the  loco. Assuming other locos run ok, then, it is down to new loco. At this point, if it still refuses to run, return it, under warranty. Hornby will refund your postage, if it came from them.  if the problem appears to be the elite, re set it. Let us know how you go. There are others on here far more conversant with the Elite. I have one, but run it in conjunction with Railmaster. Dont start fiddling with loco, while under warranty. john

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What firmware revision on your Elite?......if you don't know the firmware, report back here what numbers appear on the controller LCD screen during power up sequence (note: they only appear briefly so you have to be quick to spot them).

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Thanks for the replies, okay, the elite is version 1.3 now the loco being the only one on the track won't accept any change in cv numbers, tried 3 default, along with others, it just sits and idles, now I have the hornby select as well, from a train pack, when I plug that in to the track, and try to recode = nothing, and the part that'll get you scratching your heads, if I press the function button on the select and press 00, I can make the engine go back and forth, but thats it, no functions.

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Elite version 1.3 is quite old now. The current version is 1.42


It will take someone who has TTS locos and Elite to say whether being restricted to Elite version 1.3 is an issue or not with the latter TTS locos. It is logical to think it may be. As long as you don't use Win 8 / 8.1 then doing the upgrade to 1.42 should, in theory, be pain free. Most, but not all, people seem to have problems doing the firmware upgrade with a Win 8x PC.


The Elite firmware upgrade files are here


The latest Select firmware is version 1.5 people can correct me if I am wrong, but I think there may be TTS enhancements in the Select version 1.5 firmware. Hornby charge £15 for upgrading the Select to 1.5  It can not be done yourself (unlike the Elite) - see the link for the £15 charge statement made by Hornby Admin in a previous post.


EDIT: Your earlier statement said and I quote:


the loco being the only one on the track won't accept any change in cv numbers


Taken as written this would infer that you are trying to write and change your loco address CVs with the loco on your main track. Hornby Loco Address CV programming SHOULD be done with the loco connected to the programming output of the controller. Once the loco address programming is successfully completed, the loco is put BACK on the main track for testing. Not completely sure of my facts but I believe TTS sound locos do support some limited programming of sound functions when on the main track, but the Elite controller has to be put into a special 'Operate' programming mode for this to happen. This special 'Operate' programming mode is not supported on the Select controller.


If the loco is placed on a track connected to the programming controller output it will not move, that is completely normal.

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Cee-jay, DONT, DONT attempt the elite update yourself. Return it to hornby, for them to do it. Too many have gone wrong, by DIY. If the select is out of date, send them both to hornby. That way they will be fully up tp date, and   fault free.. if you take my advice, i would ring Mark Lodge at hornby, on  01843   233  525, and explain your situation. He will sort it. Great bloke. john

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