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Shunt Mode

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I may be wrong, but I read John's question to be; is there a Function Key option to switch between Shunt & Cruise mode? As John has not specified which particular TTS loco he has, this is impossible to answer accurately, but the Duke of Gloucester TTS loco does not have a Function Key listed for this feature in its datasheet. Thus it is likely that this will be the same on all TTS locos.


Based on my experience with my own locos that do have a Function Key 'Shunt Mode'. Using a decoder Function Key 'Shunt Mode' feature, operates in a different way to using the 'Shunt' & 'Cruise' throttle positions in RM. Therefore, they are not quite the same thing.


John, this is an example of where being succinct in asking your question is crucial. Both Ray and I have interpreted your question differently. We are both correct with our answers, based upon our own particular interpretations. But only one of them is correct with regard to the meaning of the question you were raising.

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Chrissaf  - apologies for not being more precise but you have interpreted my question coreectly. I have several of the TTS locos and none of them facilitate switching between cruise and shunt mode with a function key.

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John, I was fairly certain I had interpreted your question correctly, but didn't want to get 'egg on my face' by pushing the point just in case I was wrong. As you have virtually answered the question yourself, there is no Function Key Shunt mode on the TTS models. I only have a few diesels in my small collection that have this feature and one of them is an 08 Shunter, so one would expect that to have it. None of them are TTS, they do however have Digital Loksound decoders.

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Yes I have plenty of Loksound Decoders too and they are much more flexible - but more expensive too.

Shame, I would much sooner have had shunt mode than a 'Fireman's Breakfast', etc but acknowledge you can't have everything and the TTS are great value for the price you pay.


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Guys - I don't have any sound locos of either posh or TTS versions, but surely railmaster still gives you the tortoise and hare options - ie shunt and cruise? Or am I throwing a spanner in the works?


I quite agree, Tony. You only need a Function key for shunt mode if you are using a controller like the Elite - with RM you don't need a Function key.



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In my previous reply I wrote:


Based on my experience with my own locos that do have a Function Key 'Shunt Mode'. Using a decoder Function Key 'Shunt Mode' feature, operates in a different way to using the 'Shunt' & 'Cruise' throttle positions in RM. Therefore, they are not quite the same thing.


Let me explain a bit further. Just for the sake of discussion let's assume that the speed controller has a range numbered 1 to 10. Now let's also assume that in Railmaster the Tortoise equates to positions 1 to 4 and the Hare equates to positions 6 to 10.


What a shunt mode function key does is modify the effect of the controller so that the whole 1 to 10 range now only controls the shunt 1 to 4 range. In other words the controllability of the loco in shunt mode is improved because the controller is less sensitive. This could be either the control knob of a physical controller of the slider throttle in RM, it is the sensitivity of the controller that is affected by invoking a function key shunt mode.

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