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Any news from the devs/mods?

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Evening all,

Any updates on what is going on? Although I think the KitStarter idea has a great potential, I feel that is being "pushed into a corner" somewhat, not much has been done regarding contact with the forum members on here on what is going on at the moment.


On a side note: Perhaps it might be a better idea to steer the kitstarter in a different direction, the allow the consumer to vote on perhaps what new tool kit should be made every year or so when new releases are announced or if old kits could be reissued too? I for one would like to commemorate the final year of XH558 being airborne-although it may be difficult to "clean" the moulds or make new ones, I don't think it would be right to let such an event pass by without recognition. I would happily pay £40 for a Vulcan with recessed panel lines and a simple bomb bay.


Anyway, that small monologue might have deviated away from the original message slightly :)



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Sam, you seem to have misinterpreted the Kitstarter premice. It's not about new toolings, it's about resurrecting old kits that would not normally see the light of day. Hopefully Airfix will be able to clean up a rare piece at minimal cost and save us from astronomic e-bay prices - provided there's enough interest (in the way of pre-orders) in the modelling community.

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Apologies, I have not mis-understood, I was merely suggesting an alternative pathway that could be explored (although my soapbox probably could do with going elsewhere on these forums). Indeed I fully support the idea but I hate to say it-the communication so far from the Airfix side of it is that it is "Beta", it is testing reaction, kits are being "looked into" but apart from that, we don't know any details apart from that. It is understandable that they wouldn't release such details yet as this concept is still in its infancy but it would be nice to be given a progress report/update on the idea and whether it will continue in the future.



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I thank you very much for replying :) and I really must apologise for my "demanding answers" comments earlier-I should really try and control myself more on these forums ^_^.


On another note-may I say that I am looking forward to your Shackleton later on in the year :P



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