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Peter Hague

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There have been a few requests for carriers (mainly WW2) but I like the jet age too (there are several air group options for the Ark/Eagle and the light carriers - don't forget the Helicopters as well). I would love to do one of these but don't have anywhere to put it at the moment. I would favour waterline but I am not sure what the wider community favours - there are no British carriers out there (I did the 1/700 AR 3 many years ago and would love to do a 1/350)

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Just for information, Fujimi did HMS Eagle but as-built or at least, pre the 1960s extensive modernisation, though I seem to recall it was 1/700. Eagle and Ark Royal were sister ships and were very, very similar if not pretty much identical until the 1960s. I expect they are rare now but can still be got of online auction sites.

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  • 2 months later...

It'd be good to see Eagle too, but my guess is either or both wouldn't be big enough sellers. Who knows. Unfortunately, I wonder if by the 70s both carriers, though sister ships and pretty much identical externally 'as built', were too diversified to include optional parts to build either.


As to purchasers to buy in large enough quantities, we have to consider who these days knows of the 1950s Ark Royal (that's when it was built of course), let alone the lesser known yet superior Eagle?

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