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Handshake problem now resolved after nearly 3 weeks and 24 e-mail messages .

Go back to previous Windows ( 8.1 ) handshake 1st time with Railmaster. they did say wait till the manfacture had released udated software and try later on, Question without trying to up the programme how will we know that the drivers have been updated ?


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Well it has been time consuming ,trying to get Railmaster talking to elink since upgrading to win 10 just  10 days ago  , today tried a new tweeked driver , same result .When looking at the driver install info this says " Requires further installation " as did the previous drivers since upgrade . Passed the info back to support , and the answer back is " roll back to win 7 until the problem has been fixed " . Will do so asap. Looks like the drivers have hit the buffers (might be a pun there), most unusal for support not to have a fix but this appears to be down to others .

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Nothing to do with RM, I'm afraid, but the front card reader/3USB ports on this desktop are now all working. I can only assume that Microsoft must have downloaded suitable Windows 10 compatible driver(s) in an update to correct the issue. So there is perhaps hope out there for those who have installed Windows 10 and are concerned about their RM USB ports and connections playing up.

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Microsoft will release updates for all kinds of stuff over the coming weeks and months and we will see some hardware start to work properly simply because a renewed generic driver will work for quite a few bits of hardware. Glad you got some other gear working!


There are several drivers that are being updated by MS at the moment but as the issue with RM/eLink is not just driver related and, indeed is BIOS related, then this may take a bit longer to sort. MS don't write BIOS files as you know... that is down to the main board manufacturers or suppliers of mass produced PC's/laptops such as Dell, HP, Acer and the likes. My own Acer 10 inch Windows 8 laptop (upgarded to Win 8.1 and used to do all the research for this thread with Win 10) is not going to be supported by Acer with official relaeses for that laptop for Windows 10. What this means is that officially Acer will not be obliged to do any further driver updates nor BIOS updates for this laptop for Win 10 with official Microsoft specifications. In other words this laptop is not supported by Acer for Windows 10 full stop.

Now that is quite shocking really as the laptop is only a year or two old (one year with me and up to a year on shelf) while others they have sold and are older will be supported.

This will undoubtedly be the scenario for many others too and one good bit of advice is to visit your manufacturers site and see if they are officially supporting Windows 10 for your specific machine. If not it is not the final straw but don't expect miracles. Some hardware just won't be compatible. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do about this. Microsoft release OS's depending upon market strategy and use the latest technologies too. If manufacturers cannot be bothered to update BIOS or driver files then it is not the fault of MS. Nor is it the fault of Hornby. It will be down to the driver and BIOS authors.

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Turn this around.


The machines that worked fine with Win 7 or Win 8 now won't work with some USB connected devices using Win 10 because of a BIOS issue.


Erm, sorry, but whose fault is it then really? Back to if it aint broke don't fix it, i.e. why the need to change from something that worked pretty darned well before to something that doesn't always work?

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As most of you will know we have been working hard with the hardware manufacturer and others to resolve the issue of eLink connection problems which have affected a minotiry if users who upgraded to Windows 10 (and a handful of users of Windows 8.1).

Without being over-optimistic we may have a fix and so would those users who have experienced eLink communications problems please email us at support@rail-master.com and let us know so that we can provide instructions on what you can do to try the fix.

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Inother words AC - as we have said before - if it aint broke don't fix it!

Put simply, if your laptop/rm-elink/elite combination is working what on earth is the reason to go to an untried and untested opsys - which as it turns out is causing many problems for us!


Hi Tony... I missed this post originally...

If it ain't broke don't fix it. True... if it ain't broke it don't need fixing. However, if it can be improved upon, which is what Windows 10 aims to do on all previous versions of the OS, and folk wish to see what that may look like or find out what it does or even see if eLink and RM work together on it then who are we to say 'nay'?

I haven't pushed Windows 10 but have merely attempted to fix an ongoing issue with a non active DCC controller... of which now support may have a fix.

If anyone wants to upgrade to an untested and untried OS as you say (and frankly I find that astonishing as the system HAS undoubtedly been tried and tested) then that is up to each individual.

Believe it or not there are STILL items of hardware that never worked on the famed XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 systems either when they should have. So Windows 10 and the problem re the eLink and RM are nothing new. This is just one of a lot of examples you can find all over the net. Windows 10 will turn out to be a very good OS although not spectacularly good for techies... but for the majority of its user base it will steady itself down and become very popular. Watch this space...

There only seems to be one or two telling us all that Windows 10 is not good enough... simply because it can't work as yet with the issue I relate to above. If that didn't exist and all was well with this OS and the eLink with RM then none of this dsicussion would be on here and the OS would be the best in the world! So do please try and be objective and look at the OS as a whole. Yes it has issues but these will calm down. If no-one upgraded and no-one reported problems how would fixes be put in place? How would we have known about the USB issue we've all been talking about? Quite simple... through upgrading, testing and learning.

Your opinion is valued of course and is no less relevant than any other that has been offered up by members. I am not pushing Windows 10 by any means but we DO have to give it a chance. If not then eLink and RM users will not thank us, Hornby, driver authors or Microsoft for not at least trying to find fixes to issues that otherwise would not be noted.

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I have tried the HRMS fix and for me itdid not work. In fact RM took 5 minutes to load, much longer than before. Know going back to 8.1. I will be emailing HRMS as they asked with details and copy of the most recently.

Greg... did you email direct or through RM? I went direct while I was half asleep last night and have no response so far... so I assume I should have gone the other way?

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Hi AC, Windows 10 for me is an improvement over 8/8.1 as using 8.1 whenever I had an update on software which required a re-boot or I restarted my Laptop my screensaver and power down would stop working and about 2 weeks later for no reason at all would start working again Every  user I know on 8.1 would complain that it was the worst OS ever. So I agree with you whole hearted without users changing over to version 10 Elink problems would not have been found until as suggested all of the bugs may have been fixed which may not have included Elink problems, so these problems would have been started  later rather than on the release of W10 which has not been released solely for the use of any model railway control. I have tried RM upgrade which for me still did not work, have gone back to them explaining the problem whereby Railmaster is still not communicating with Elink, but keeps going through the power down and removing USB cable, and then restarting Elink power up wait, install USB cable.

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