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Nick. Interesting you are not experiencing the slow loading of RM. I have check the logs each time I have opened RM and it pauses at the same place each time. So I assume RM and W10 are not at fault. That only leaves the notebook and would not know where to start.

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Greg, might be worth doing a scandisk (chkdsk) just in case you've got a dodgy sector on your hard disk. Is the hard disk nearly full? Or is it very fragmented and in need of a defrag?

unless you've got a lot of points even 90 secs at win8.1 seems a long time. I have 15 sets of points and even with the delay set to 1 sec I'm up and running in well under a minute on win10. 

another thought,  How much RAM do you have?

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Renard, if it won't work from in the Help window of RM (you'll know by whether you get that immediate automatic reply), then send it to support@rail-master.com


And apologies for not being clearer in the first place, except read just about any thread in the RM forum, including earlier in this one and you'll find references to contacting them either way.  From RM is preferable, it sends additional info to them with your email, but sometimes people are blocked that way if their AV hasn't been properly configured.

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Greg, If you don't already use it, it might be worth downloading Glary Utilities 5 (www.glarysoft.com) and use the various tools to make sure you don't have a Windows configuration problem. A bad sector on the disk or a corruption in the registry could cause slow loading.

FYI total loadtime on my win10 laptop from double clicking on the icon to running a loco is 47 secs

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Ever since upgrading to Windows 10 have been having assistance from the RailMaster and TrackMaster Support Team they have been offering advice how to resolve my problems with RailMaster not communicating with Elink have tried all suggestions which have not worked. Wednesday they offered to access my PC and check my system they added the line to the Railmaster.ini file and found a problem when they tried to run Railmaster, they suggested I may have a virus or trojan on my PC and to do a deep scan. This I did and went back to them Thursday, they accessed my PC again and downloaded the latest version of RailMaster they then ran the program to make sure everything was ok. Running perfect I would like to thank the RailMaster and TrackMaster Support Team for all of the help they have given me.Regards Colin

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Just passing this by the forum to see if there are any comments before emailing HRMS


Layout not been used for 3 months + been upended for other jobs beneath etc.


Windows 10 installed in PC, a week or so after launch, no issues.


Today I have had my layout put back down, it will be nice to play again ;o)


PC returned to train room and set up and connected to RM controller, switched on and signals come on ready to load RM program. 


First try was to run RM 1.61 Rev2 but it didn't like it!  Started to load then refused and closed it down.


So I downloaded RM 1.62 using the link in the forum, it downloaded fine, it installed ok.


I then clicked the icon to open the RM program, same problem?

Error message > 'Hornby RailMaster has stopped working' and it exited.


Any suggestions guys?


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The simplest thing to do here is deactivate RM, make a copy of your data files and remove it from your system completely. Once removed by your Windows uninstaller you should manually remove the RailMaster folder in Program Files(86).

Once done then reinstall the program as normal instead of over the top of itself as previously done. Put your data files back in place and then run the program as normal.

If the erros are gone then the program files were corrupt. If not then you have another problem. This could be any number of things with the error message you are getting but is most likely the program itself. If not, the next step is to check for other programs running and using resources that RM requires. Check the post I made this morning on the thread... Any sign of the new version.

Next step is to check to see if any updates to Windows have not installed correctly or have failed... check this from the Windows Update area where you will be able to see if everything has installed as normal or failed.

After those checks it could be down to a lot of things.


Under Windows 7 and later it is rarely necessary to defrag a hard drive unless you are constantly installing and uninstalling programs and creating gaps on the hard drive. In earlier OS's it was a part of the routine to do this occasionally but it wasn't too important in the great scheme of things. Even with aggressive installation of software and removal of said stuff it is of little benefit to the vast majority out there. Gains in % terms will be absolutely minimal and not worth the effort. Haard drive spin rates are only slightly different too... 5400rpm and 7200 rpm. To a casual user the data transfer and reading capabilities of any drive will be absolutely negligible when comparing these and will be down to milliseconds most of the time unless using large data capacity then maybe seconds.

You are correct that a bad sector can cause drive problems as can bad clusters. The former can be fixed but the latter is only marked as bad by Windows and is bypassed normally until the drive is formatted or low level formatted. Corruption of the registry is also a cause as you say but I would err on the side of caution of ANY program that says it can fix registry issues. More often than not folk choose the wrong product and begin to damage the registry beyond repair so be careful if using these products despte their claims.

The advice offered here is in addition to your own and not meant to contradict in any way shape or form.

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AJ, to allow PJ to play, rather than become embroiled, would it not be simpler, to roll back to 8. , for nowThat way, when he has more time, he can, sort this out, at his leisure. . It seems such a pity, as his layout is not always available,  not to be able to use it immediately. john

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AJ, to allow PJ to play, rather than become embroiled, would it not be simpler, to roll back to 8. , for nowThat way, when he has more time, he can, sort this out, at his leisure. . It seems such a pity, as his layout is not always available,  not to be able to use it immediately. john


Hi John


To late, more than a month. It was more than a month when I read on here. Windows 10 has been no problem at all on PC, Laptop and Linx7 tablet. But, it doesn't mean this is a Windows 10 problem.


I will try as advised but thank you for your help and concern.


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The simplest thing to do here is deactivate RM, make a copy of your data files and remove it from your system completely. 



It won't allow me to access RM so I cannot deactivate it.


User Account Control box.

Do you want to allow this app from an unknown user - click to continue


Then a box with message...

Hornby RailMaster has stopped working Windows is looking for a solution.


Final box...

Hornby RailMaster has stopped working, Windowns will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.


I doesn't get to show any of RailMaster on screen.


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Pj, windows 10 update, without RM, has never been any problem. It was only when they came together. You get a year to update, AC, will know whether you can still go back, as i thought it was still in the machine. He is far more tech than i . 2 of my friends went back to windows 7, after  7 weeks, as it was still partitioned off. Its a shame, as you have still to try your new loco. Technology, can be a dampner. john

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Thank you for your help, it is appreciated. Genuine concern thank you.


I am not to worried, Windows 10 has been fine, RM is fixed for Windows 10 so it doesn't worry me.


My main folders are already synced to laptop and to 4TB drive so I have two copies always of all important data not just RM folders. I am not sure when I last did a Backup of RM itself as layout been down for 3 months plus, but I am not concerned of this either.


I use two programs for sync both are Free, SyncBackFree I use most and it syncs everything between 1 and 3am daily. You can backup, mirror one way or sync both ways as you choose. The other program is FreeFileSync. Both are FREE as the names imply.


RM is uninstalled, I am now going to reinstall and rebuild. ;o)



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PJ, thats good, did not want you to be unable to use your layout, as i know your opportunities are limited, unlike the rest of us, who have permanent facilities. It has been a particularly frustrating time, for a few on here, and a massive  amount of work for HRMS. Fortunately, the worst would appear to be over. There is for me, and one or two others, a longer delay  than before, in RM, loading up, and it will be interesting to see how long yours takes. It matters little for those of us who have an Elite, of course, just a point for comparison. Just as long as you are up and running, in time to load  LD, when it arrives. With your new bed, of course, you should be up and ready, a lot earlier. Have to go and hide now, as massive storms approaching. Rest of the day should be interesting. john

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Hi John


You are a genuine guy, I know you always mean well.


Just copying back my folders into RM then give it a try  ;o)

I will update you regarding speed of loading as requested.


The bed is good John, it is fantastic to be able to press a button and raise to seated position, we are so lucky these things are available now a days although at £2k they do not come cheap. There goes my LD money!


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Hi John


Quick update...


RM installed and Pro activated, only real issue was list of Loco's didn't come up so I am having to set them all up from scratch. ;o(


Loading speed of RM not bad at all. One time I noticed it took longer but for some reason the wireless signal was low. That is an easy check for you to do if your loading is slow John. Also opening and closing a program a few times can help, subject to Windows system, as they get to know what you use most  ;o)


Still sorting Loco's so I haven't got to signals yet.....


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