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MrHuge when you changed to connecting RailMaster via your Elite did you changed the baud rate down to 19,200? As I remember it, Elite uses19,200 whilst E-Link uses 115,200

Nick C

Yes baud rates changed, railmaster gives you a pop-up if you try to enter wrong rate.



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That is really helpful, thanks.

I have just looked under the laptop.  The label is unreadable!

Well, unreadable it may be but all is or may not be lost. Sometimes an ultraviolet light can show the shadows of the inks that are not visible to the naked eye so try and use one if you have it. A large magnifier with lamp can also give outlines of the numbers etc as well via its ancandescent lighting. I've actually reinstalled a few versions of Windows where some numbers or letters cannot be read. Just a good educational guess sometimes works but if it's the whole key more or less you need to try and read it somehow. Otherwise all is done and you will only get away with the recovery disks so make those if you haven't already!!

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Pleased to say I got my printer going, AC. I tried following your advice and after "messing through" managed to succeed. I'm afraid there is no way I can remember exactly what I did! Lots of people will know what I mean by that when playing around with a computer. I had in fact already deleted my old Epson SX400 last night, but, with their relevant website instructions for that particular model, disregarding a further look for an unavailable Windows 10 driver, voila!


Thanks for your advice, which encouraged me to have another go, although I had only just come away from Staples this afternoon after wondering which of their newer models I should perhaps buy as a replacement.

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Upgraded my laptop to Win10 today. Connected the eLink and the USB driver automatically installed. Via control panel changed com port from 3 to 1 and baud rate to 115200. Installed Railmaster as Admin. Started Railmaster as Admin. Railmaster connected to eLink no problem at all. So there is no generic problem with Win10 and Railmaster, it works for me. Laptop is an Asus. 

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Experiencing a bit of a problem after the update.

Before upgrading my laptop, as a precaution, I deactivated Railmaster so as to keep the number safe until I was sure all was ok with Windows 10.

After the upgrade I tried it out and found, although my RM showed 'evalution' it still controlled all my locos as before deactivation, and would not let me apply the reactivation code.

Nor could I activate either  of my two other Windows tablets, and my handheld says it is connecting to an evaluation package.

I am awaiting a reply from RM support.

I want to activate my new 10" tablet to be the dedicated contoller with my Elite.

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Since installing Windows 10 on 29/07/15 first day of release.replacing the useless Windows 8.1 have been unable for PC to communicate wth ELINK .Have tried all suggested solutions with no luck. So thought I would uninstall RAILMASTER and do a fresh install.But for some reason or other I am unable to deregister RAILMASTER so that I can uninstall it.Am waiting for RM support to deregister it for me so that I can start afresh.Fingers crossed.

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as windows 10 is now out will there be a update soon for railmaster so i can use my elink again. it still loads but it wont pick up my elink it keeps on saying inactive

I cant get it to work since windows 10 was installed, I have a new Acer laptop.

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... will there be a update soon for railmaster so i can use my elink again. it still loads but it wont pick up my elink it keeps on saying inactive


See the post from Nick at the top of page 9.  

My Elite shows as in-active with windows 10 even though it appears to work perfectly.

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I bought a new desktop a few months back which had 8.1 installed. This is a machine solely dedicated to running Railmaster. I had no problems with that at all. The update to Windows 10 has caused problems for some, including me, but I have no doubt that these will be overcome before long. Fingers crossed. John - I thought that XP went out of use shortly before the abacus. :)



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Montywb, hi, it did, but for those of us who have been here for years, it is an established fact, that Railmaster, works best of all, with windows xp. Hence, by having a £49 dedicated machine, all RM/ Elink problems, become a thing of the past. When you compare the cost, its half the price of a new loco, and you have total piece of mind. Then you can upgrade to windows 10, if you must, even though all experts warn against it, until first upgrade. I was just trying to take away the stress, many are in, with a cheap solution. It also frees off your expensive machine, for its proper use. john

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Montywb, hi, it did, but for those of us who have been here for years, it is an established fact, that Railmaster, works best of all, with windows xp. Hence, by having a £49 dedicated machine, all RM/ Elink problems, become a thing of the past. When you compare the cost, its half the price of a new loco, and you have total piece of mind. Then you can upgrade to windows 10, if you must, even though all experts warn against it, until first upgrade. I was just trying to take away the stress, many are in, with a cheap solution. It also frees off your expensive machine, for its proper use. john

As I said, John, I bought that desktop specifically for Railmaster - and I don't suffer from stress. I have enough patience to wait for a solution - so long as it doesn't,involve waiting for Windows 11 !!!!!!






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Montywb, thats good, as if you go back and read how long it took to sort windows 8, with certain people, you could be out of action for some time.  ME, heat permitting, i like to play trains, and took the recommendations previously suggested, with great successI was also fortunate enough, never to be involved with windows 8, being a windows 7 devotee, for all desktop use.  It is a great shame, that so many people, are experiencing problems with windows 10, although had they had more patience, and not pressed the update button, ................... john

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Most people pressed the button to get away from Windows 8/8.1.which is the worst versions ever.If as been said that Windows 10 was tried on so many platforms and the drivers for Windows 10 are the same as 8/8.1 why is Elink falling over. Many people have only one Laptop and bought them with 8/8.1 pre installed. My Laptop is portable so I use it for various applications including Railmaster, the problem I am having is my Laptop not Handshaking with the ELINK. I don't wish to purchase some unknown Laptop for £49 to find out that there is further problems, how many Laptops will I require for different applications.

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Was running railmaster fine on windows 8.1 since the upgrade to 10 as well as many others the e-link will not pass the handshake test, and can i get through to railmaster support, NO the email keeps failling.


How about the fix being put on here thenwe may get sorted out quicker. !!!

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Was running railmaster fine on windows 8.1 since the upgrade to 10 as well as many others the e-link will not pass the handshake test, and can i get through to railmaster support, NO the email keeps failling.


How about the fix being put on here thenwe may get sorted out quicker. !!!

 Try customercare@hornby.com



Have done, still not fixed, tried mailing rail aster from within rail master - no go, can't get a message through. Do you really want me to say how I feel !!!!!


wasted morning

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If you read thoroughly the HRMS posts, you will see that this problem  was not unexpected, and not one, over which they had any control. The fact that windows 8 was such a  terrible system, led many people. to ignore the advice to wait, and jump the gun, downloading windows 10, in its very early stages. You will also see that HRMS say how well RM, works with windows xp.  What i was proposing, was a tried and tested solution to the ELINK,  handshake problem. By using a £49, laptop with xp in it, all issues are solved, and running trains can continue, whilst action behind the scenes by various bodies, sorts the bugs. I had , elink problems, due to my location, and french laptop, when i started, and this, is a tried and tested way, by several members, to eliminate connection snags. In my case, i have a dedicated laptop, with windows 7.   It is very harsh to place any blame on HRMS, as this is a micosoft driver. They are brilliant, with their support and backup, hence the early posting to wait before jumping into windows 10. I have a colleague, a microsort engineer, who suggested i wait till after Revision 1, before, even contemplating  leaving windows 7.  I know how terribly frustrating and annoying this can be, resulting in loss of hobby time, which is why i offered the solution. john

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Let's start with some simple stuff that won't cost you £4.90, let alone £49.


First off, we know RM works with Windows 10 as more than one in this thread have already reported so without problems.  So the simple things:


-  check via Device Manager that you have the correct comm port specified in RM Setup, and that it is below 5


-  make sure RM is listed as a full exception in your AV software.  If you can't get emails through to RM Support from within RM, this is the most likely cause.  If you still can't get them through, turn off your AV and try, or contact them at

support@rail-master.com  Note HCC will be far slower than HRMS and less knowledgable in trying to help you.


-  if still problems, look at the top 2 locked threads and make sure you are still doing all found there.


I believe this advice will fix all problems for at least 90% of those who have posted here.  But more thsn happy to be proven wrong.

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I don't read HRMS posts before upgrading to any other Windows so why Windows 10,IF they don't recommend upgrading to a newer version why don't they post it on the program concerned RAILMASTER, this program is working it's ELINK that's not.I cannot communicate with HRMS via RAILMASTER I cannot Deregister it and is not shutting down properly. As stated before if this was tested on may different platforms by them and BETA versions tested by independent users this according to HRMS did not throw up any problems????,I do not use the FORUM unless I have a problem AND I DO.

So less of passing the blame onto users of ELINK and throw it back to the people who take our payment for RAILMASTER and ELINK and don'y repair faults quicker my problem has been ongoing since 29/07/15 

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