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Even closing RAILMASTER down after failing to connect to ELINK the message "PLEASE WAIT BACKING UP IMPORTANT FILES" stays on the screen. Can only clear it by rebooting Laptop


I've had this issue before, long before the current Windows 10 upgrade came along. In order to repair this error, go into the Railmaster program folder and delete ALL files that end in .BAK


The issue arises because one or other of the .BAK backups have become corrupted. Deleting all the .BAK files, forces RM to create fresh .BAK files from new the very next time it is shut down. I feel confident that doing this will at least cure the 'shut down' issue. I doubt though that it will resolve your eLink handshaking issue, but you never know it might, if the two issues are related.


I've only had this 'shut down' issue happen to me once (about 4 months ago) since I purchased RM in 2013. Deleting the .BAK files cured it. Note: there are quite a few .BAK files in the RM folder, be careful to find them all.

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Fishy, having read all the posts on this thread, only 1 person fireman ian, ok with windows 10, and i dont know if he has an elink. Graskie, certainly does not, so,  we are a long way from saying that windows 10 works with RM, and Elink. As usual, the elink is taking the blame, which neither of us use. Chrissafs suggestion is new to me, and i have not seen that being trumpeted from HRMS.. May be they will comment. You will see that they have suggested not to rush in, which appears to be the main source of the problem. We are all aware that the Elink is only a bridge, so the fault cannot lie there. I think we have been down this path, many , many times before, hence locked threads  What we DO know for certain, is  there are no such issues with Elink/ windows xp, or windows 7. If i had been without my trains, since 29th july, and a  solution existed, i would not be so dismissive of, bearing in mind, there are updates to windows 10, which could again, cause another problem.. john

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I beg to differ.


Monty, If you search the forum using "support@rail-master.com" there are about 60 hits. Many of which state that more effective support for RM issues is obtained using this email address as opposed to the general 'customercare' address. RM is developed by a software company on behalf of Hornby. The support@...... email address is a direct communication link to the RM developer.


PS - I did say the e-mail address was for RailMaster issues, not Elite / eLink. Anything to do with hardware is dealt with by Hornby 'customercare@hornby.com' as per your quoted message display.


What follows is a quote made by Hornby RailMaster Support (HRMS) pasted directly from one of the above search results:


If anybody is having eLink comms issues can you please email us directly at support@rail-master.com.  We can then log into your PC and hopefully resolve them.

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Laptop Acer Aspire E1-571 worked on win 8.1 but on updating to win 10 could not get it to handshake. It found the elink and loged to it but no handshake. Went back to 8.8 and all worked ok again. Did get intouch with railmaster got a reply but not of any help.

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Can I just be clear on the 'no handshake' description.

Does this mean that RailMaster continues to show the controller (elink or Elite) greyed out.

I am running Windows 10 with the Elite and although the Elite remains greyed out and RailMaster suggests it is disabled (by hovering over the greyed out icon), it still controls my Loco's and Points.

Does 'non hand shaking' with the e-link, produce similar results to mine?

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Can I just be clear on the 'no handshake' description.

Does this mean that RailMaster continues to show the controller (elink or Elite) greyed out.

I am running Windows 10 with the Elite and although the Elite remains greyed out and RailMaster suggests it is disabled (by hovering over the greyed out icon), it still controls my Loco's and Points.

Does 'non hand shaking' with the e-link, produce similar results to mine?

Hi Dave,

I've just finished upgrading my Railamaster pc to Win10, and I have the same as you - the DCC controller (Elite in my case) greyed out, but RM still seems to work fine - so far :-) 

This is the 7th pc I've upgraded to Win10 in as many days, and NONE of the upgrades went the way Microsoft intended. I left the RM pc until last. All of them failed in one way or another and needed manual intervention to get the upgrades to work.


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Experiencing a bit of a problem after the update.

Before upgrading my laptop, as a precaution, I deactivated Railmaster so as to keep the number safe until I was sure all was ok with Windows 10.

After the upgrade I tried it out and found, although my RM showed 'evalution' it still controlled all my locos as before deactivation, and would not let me apply the reactivation code.

Nor could I activate either  of my two other Windows tablets, and my handheld says it is connecting to an evaluation package.

I am awaiting a reply from RM support.

I want to activate my new 10" tablet to be the dedicated contoller with my Elite.

Investigations indicate that all is not right with Windows 10, and I can't even send a message on the RM help function. (error 12003)

I managed to activate RM on my HP Slate Windows 7 tablet, which is my device of choice.(If it doesn't self destruct again)

So all is well for me, and I can afford to sit back and watch how things pan out.

update. My Windows 10 has now updated itself, in that it now only shows the two locos allowed.

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I'm now extremely happy with my Windows 10 upgraded main PC, this one I'm using now. Things seem to have settled very nicely and I have no regrets about upgrading too soon. It seems faster as well. Despite this and in view of others' comments, I won't bother with my RM laptop which is still on Windows 7 and doesn't really even need a newer OS.

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I upgraded my Windows 7 Home Premium on my Acer laptop to windows 10 4 days after the launch from the automatic download from Windows My Railmaster Pro and Elite are working fine. One of my subscribers did his upgrade on the day of the launch and his Railmaster is working fine. As pointed out if you are not sure of Windows 10 stay  as you are or wait it is free for 12 months and bugs in the system will be ironed out in updates to the system over the next few months 

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Following some positive info here I decided to upgrade to W10. All seems fine except railmaster. it loads very slowly, says it is initializing elink but when it finally completed no red square on stop button and greyed out at top corner, cannot control anything. Will contact HRMS.

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GWR Greg, hi, you found some positive info on this thread,  backing upgrade. You must have read it differently to me. HRMS, recommended NOT  upgrading yet. No doubt they will try to help, but it was against their advice. john

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You are of course correct. A few positive results does not mean it will work for all as I have found out. I looked at the log whilst RM was open and noted that it showed the windows version as 8 not 10, don't know if this is significant. To anyone else considering upgrade DON'T!

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I am simply amazed that despite every expert opinion advising caution, and to hold off with updating, Nothing to do with Hornby, or Railmaster, more to do with shortcomings of upgrade, that so many people, thought they  knew better. You have only got to read the net, to be aware of this.  It is a great shame, as many layouts, excluding members of the forum, are now, in the same boat, as born out in other forums. john

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Just to add my two penn'orth, I too upgraded to W10 this afternoon / evening and can report that all is well, except for the greyed out Elite icon. RM appears to be operating all funtions correctly as far as I can tell, If that changes I'll post again. R-

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It would appear that "handshake" issue apply to elink but not elite ...

Why do you say that? 

The Elite icon remains 'greyed out' with Windows 10, so all is not completely well, even though everything seems to work.

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I am simply amazed that despite every expert opinion advising caution, and to hold off with updating, Nothing to do with Hornby, or Railmaster, more to do with shortcomings of upgrade, that so many people, thought they  knew better. You have only got to read the net, to be aware of this.  It is a great shame, as many layouts, excluding members of the forum, are now, in the same boat, as born out in other forums. john

Hi John,

The thing is, John, if none of us had upgraded their RM machines to Win10, then any RM problems specific to Win10 would remain hidden and unreported. I'm sure when HRMS release a new Rev of RM, they would prefer as many people as possible to try it out as soon as possible.


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