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HMRS are there to resolve problems,they should have resolved this problem by now,They are the progrogram experts this has been going on since release of Windows 10 on the 29/07/15 11 days, Windows 10 is a better system than 8/8.1 and I am having no other problems with it,and am very happy to have installed and be using it. My problem started day one of upgrading to Windows 10 My RAILMASTER was failing the handshake with my ELINK,this became worse as my system would not shut RAILMASTER down but sat with the final message, PLEASE WAIT BACKING UP IMPORTANT FILES the only way I could get rid of this was by rebooting my Laptop.

Also my RAILMASTER would not deregister program, As if by magic both of these faults were rectifed after emailing RM support. I then deregistered program and decided to uninstall RAILMASTER and reinstall from fresh. Bad move I originally had RAILMASTER PRO this I now longer have just RAILMASTER also when starting up PLEASE WAIT CONNECTING TO ELINK reads then PLEASE WAIT INITIALISING DCC CONTROLLER.  Driver installed 14/01/2014  5.1.2600.8. Still not controlling ELINK have been emailing RM support frequently problem still ongoing.

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Rains colin, HRMS, are certainly NOT there to solve a problem, you instigated.I am sure, as usual, they will help, in time, but They are not Windows 10 experts. Why dont you simply do what greg did, than play trains, and once bugs out, upgrade. You seem to think this is a railmaster problem, it is not. Before you chose to go your own way, all was fine, with windows 8/ elink. Microsoft have released a system, full of bugs, supported by almost daily updates, that at present does not  connect with elink. Given time, it will. We had similar probs with windows 8, to start with., which was why, every expert said wait. john

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HMRS are there to resolve problems,they should have resolved this problem by now ...

Sorry but I do not agree with you.

Why do you think it is a RailMaster problem, when it worked perfectly before you changed your Windows version?

RailMaster was released well before Windows 10 and as with any other software that is written, it can only be designed to work with versions of windows that exist at the time of release.

I have no doubt that HRMS will make whatever amendment is required to oversome the issues caused by Windows 10 but in the meantime, the advice given by HRMS was 'do not upgrade' yet.

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I agree with what John and RDS say. Nobody forced anyone to upgrade to Win10. HRMS warned against it. And it is easy to backout if you have problems. I have a Win 8.1 laptop, not running RM, which I thought I would try out Win10 on. It didn't work at all so I easily reverted back to Win 8.1. No problem. It is up to Microsoft to ensure that the majority of software will work with it. Until they do I would recommend people to leave it, unless, like me, they have a spare laptop they can try it on.

I run RM on a Vista PC, I know John swears by XP, but I can also say that RM has never failed to start first time on Vista. Awful user interface but it works extremely well with RM.

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You will be forced to update to Windoze 10 eventually. The only other choices will be, to allow hackers to gain entry to your puter when Microsoft stops supporting earlier versions, change to some other type of device that doesn't use Windoze, or give up computing.

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Took me years to find out some bits of my programmes didn't work properly with Win 7. It was only when I really needed the specific help file to solve a problem that I found windows no longer supported the help format.

Another thing was that my printer/scanner, which worked fine on XP wouldn't work on Win 7. Had to buy a brand new one.

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You will be forced to update to Windoze 10 eventually. The only other choices will be, to allow hackers to gain entry to your puter when Microsoft stops supporting earlier versions, change to some other type of device that doesn't use Windoze, or give up computing.

I fail to see your logic here, poliss. XP has only just been discontinued support. How many years will it be before Microsoft stop supporting Win8. And microsoft  support has never been any guarantee against hackers otherwise all the independent security service providers would be redundant.

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No version of Windows stops hackers from getting to your router... that's impossible!

Now, the ROUTER stopping hackers getting to Windows... that's more like it.

Why? Simple... the router is the gateway to your outside world and is the first thing a hacker encounters when attempting to get to Windows on your PC or laptop.

Think about it... you have no computer switched on at home and a hacker wants to hack the router... easy... as nothing blocks the way to the said router. Hack a PC or laptop? Well, bypass the router first and find the PC or laptop turned on or off... router first every time.

Now, if the hacker can get to the PC after bypassing the router first then they have a chance to get to the router through Windows... but not before.

Anyway... this is a non argument... just thought I would point this out following a statement. Am I being pedantic? Dunno... :-)

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@AC - I've just checked my laptop.

Winver says Version 10.0 (build 10240).

usbser.sys is v10.0.10240.16401 and dated 03/08/2015 18:21, Copyright Microsoft. So significantly newer than yours. Looks like Microsoft may have already released an updated driver?

Interesting in that I have just updated W10 with newer update files released and they made no difference. Several folk cannot even install these updates and my printer failed to have ITS update install successfully.

So, before I read your post I rolled BACK to Win 8.1 and went from my tea while the laptop did that.

Thus I cannot verify the versions sadly!!!

I am about to reinstall the upgrade for Win10 though this time with RM already installed and activated to see what happens there. I'll report back later...

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Most of you will by now be aware of my suspicions over windows 10. My son, who is disabled, with ms, and wheelchair bound, turned on his laptop this morning, and windows 10 downloaded. He had apparently ticked some box at some point, without realising. After download, as wifi, and other things did not work, he went through proceedure of returning to windows 7. His laptop, is now a brick. No mouse, no keyboard, and no way of making them work. Apparently, toshiba laptops have a partition, which windows 10 has corrupted. As you can imagine he is distraught. He does not have an original windows 7 home premium, as it came preloaded, and all his family pictures are stuck inside this machine. Long range  consoling, has done nothing to improve his pain. Where we go from here, i dont know, but i posted this as a warning, to those, who are jumping the gun. beware. john

John all may not be lost unless your son told the W10 upgrade to overwrite all partitions. His initial choice would have been to reserve the upgrade before release and that is why it installed automatically. Not everyone who didn't reserve has the upgrade option as yet.

If Windows 10 DID affect the recovery partition then you may still be able to get it back. If you also check inside the BIOS you may see an option to allow the recovery to be actioned when the laptop boots up. This is a asfety mechanism to stop folk doing the procedure by accident. Look for that. If the machine beeps then you are pressing a key for the recovery too many times. Let the initial boot screen appear then go for the key press.

Let us know the model of the laptop as Toshiba machines can be easier to bring back to normal operation. There is more to offer to you but one step at a time...

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Dear me, we have gone off course. This post is 99% about windows 10, and Railmaster. Nobody ever said  that it would not download for normal use, that i know of. Poliss, you are , i am afraid, well of the mark. Windows 7 support will be here in 20 years time.  The sole reason window 7 users were given a free upgrade, was in an attempt to go down this road. The uptake has been so poor, that they have already thrown in the towel. Windows 10, is a tablet based concept, with pictures, boxes, and now, a little helper. It is aimed at newcomers, who wish ease of use. For those of us, who are die hard windows 7, people, as we were XP, it is a concept they tried and failed with, in windows 8.  Of course, they will get the windows 8 users. Such a poor system, many are delighted to leave.  The windows 7 users who have tried the free upgrade figures are very revealing, some 80%, returning according to figures my son has seen, in the states. Newcomputer purchasers, will be the main  take up..  The small professions, will have none of this. Sorry to rain on your parade, but if you really think windows 10 is good, have a look at the net. john

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WTD, did you have a good trip. You are spot on  , compared with what you had, anything would be an improvement, and its very tablet orientated, as you are used to with ipad.       AUGUSTUS, thanks, if i can get my lad calm enough to listen, i will explain your  suggestion. He has ms, is wheelchair  bound, and  has very short fuse. john

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While the present situation still stands re Win10 and the non handshake of RM through the usbser.sys file (driver used by RM, written by Microchip something Inc and passed off as a working file to unsuspecting users of Win 8, 8.1 and now 10 with RM as its basket of fruit) I must say this has been one of most testing few days I have given over to attempting to find a solution for all you guys who can't get the handshake either.


I have tried everything I know, mixing of files, re-writing signatures of files, copying content from one file to another to fool signatures and loads and loads more... all without success. Conclusion? Look, if it doesn't work first time on upgrade you MAY get it second time. I am talking here of an upgrade to Win 10 from 8.1 only AND a clean install of RM.


Now I have rolled back to Win 8.1 and installed and activated RM in an attempt to repeat my first time success at getting the handshake to work after the Win10 upgrade. I am rather hopeful of this as it did work first time around until I rolled back to try and find a solution for those who can't get the handshake with a clean RM install after upgrading to Win10.


This process is happening as I type and I will come back to let you all know what happens. It seems the advice to some NOT to upgrade may be sound. However, to others who have different hardware it may work for you. No-one can tell what hardware will work but if the driver is using timing to get the handshake to work then it is unsurprising that some boards will not handle this operation without a great deal of fuss and no amount of bribing your equipment will work either!!


Strange though it is I still feel that this driver file could be very easily be updated to cope but what hardware do you list? It really is down to either Hornby to rewrite the file or ask Microchip (no, not Microsoft) to add their component details to the driver file. No-one really cares who does it as long as the file is updated correctly. It is digitally signed by MS as far as I can tell.

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OK... a near enough final diagnosis for you all unless something chnages...

I did the roll back to Windows 8.1 WITHOUT uninstalling RM or deactivating the license. This was deliberate of course.

When I got back to said 8.1 I ran RM as you would expect, as admin etc etc etc and lo and behold... NO handshake!!! Plus RM reverted back to an evaluation version. OK... so... just re-enter license key. Nope... whilst online and checking the key I was told RM was activated already. I knew that. But I couldn't deactivate the normal way using the button in help but RM asked me if I wished to complete a form in order for my details to be confirmed and an email would be sent to me in a few minutes. That was 90 minutes ago but I just made a cuppa and reactivated without waiting for said mail!!!

So that was now complete but still no handshake.... I was getting a little depressed by now but I soldiered on in the best British tradition... tea and biscuits etc at hand!

What I did next is the ONE thing I did not do and meant to in Windows 10 was to have everything installed as normal and all settings ready to go BUT just carry out one small step... well, maybe a couple.

When I remembered about deactivating and then reactivating RM under Win 8.1 I realised the driver being used was that which was insatlled by Win 10 and it had not been removed after the roll back. So I reinstalled RM over itself with the thought the driver would be replaced. It WASN'T!!! So, here I was still with no handshake and a driver for Win 10.


What did I do? I went into Device Manager and right clicked the USB Port (COM3) for the driver and clicked to remove said port. I was asked if I wanted to uninstall the driver as well. I clicked the tick box to agree to the uninstall of said driver too.

THEN... .while still in Device Manager I right clicked the name of my laptop (which is just under the menu and icons at the top of the DM dialogue window) and then clicked "Scan for hardware changes". The laptop immediately found the correct driver by scanning online and found and installed it straight away.

I then re-ran RM and the handshake was made. Wonderful!!!

So, if you have a Win10 install and RM is not making the handshake just remove the com port from Device Manager and also the driver and then scan for new hardware. You never know Windows MIGHT pull a newer and different version down for you.

I won't test this after all the work I have done so if anyone wants to test it (not those who have got RM working already of course) and it works let us all know as I am testing other stuff now in Win 8.1.

So the conclusion here IS that the driver file usbser.sys is at fault. Nothing else... literally nothing else. So all who blame Windows 10 can forget doing that. It simply means the driver won't work for most of us while using that OS until it is rewritten or a fix is found. Advice about not upgrading to Win 10 is not included in my last sentence as this is a separate issue.

I look forward to doing something else now for a little while... lol

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Thanks AC for all your work on this problem. Now go and get some sleep ;)

I must say that I'm still curious as to why JMRI, Big Bear and RocRail all work OK with the Elite in Windows 10, but RailMaster doesn't! I just assumed they would all use the same USB driver - obviously not.

Although I'm finding no problems with Windows 10 (apart from RailMaster), give me XP any time for a nice clean interface.


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Thanks guys... didn't get any sleep by the way! Stayed up fiddling with an Eastern Region 125 and putting a decoder over the motor with a plastic 'shelf' taken from a GNER 125 DCC loco so the deocder wouldn't be damaged on the motor spindle.

Then did a few other bits and bobs before taking my wife for a hospital appointment... sleepless nights borne of being an amateur astronomer as well as other things! :-)

Your kind words are appreciated as always fellas... :-)

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Rains colin, HRMS, are certainly NOT there to solve a problem, you instigated.I am sure, as usual, they will help, in time, but They are not Windows 10 experts. Why dont you simply do what greg did, than play trains, and once bugs out, upgrade. You seem to think this is a railmaster problem, it is not. Before you chose to go your own way, all was fine, with windows 8/ elink. Microsoft have released a system, full of bugs, supported by almost daily updates, that at present does not  connect with elink. Given time, it will. We had similar probs with windows 8, to start with., which was why, every expert said wait. john


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Rains colin, HRMS, are certainly NOT there to solve a problem, you instigated.I am sure, as usual, they will help, in time, but They are not Windows 10 experts. Why dont you simply do what greg did, than play trains, and once bugs out, upgrade. You seem to think this is a railmaster problem, it is not. Before you chose to go your own way, all was fine, with windows 8/ elink. Microsoft have released a system, full of bugs, supported by almost daily updates, that at present does not  connect with elink. Given time, it will. We had similar probs with windows 8, to start with., which was why, every expert said wait. john


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Rains colin, HRMS, are certainly NOT there to solve a problem, you instigated.I am sure, as usual, they will help, in time, but They are not Windows 10 experts. Why dont you simply do what greg did, than play trains, and once bugs out, upgrade. You seem to think this is a railmaster problem, it is not. Before you chose to go your own way, all was fine, with windows 8/ elink. Microsoft have released a system, full of bugs, supported by almost daily updates, that at present does not  connect with elink. Given time, it will. We had similar probs with windows 8, to start with., which was why, every expert said wait. john



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