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Getting this warning in W10 which does not seem to be having any impact on the operation of RM or the connection and function of the iPad. I am not very up on IP addresses and after a trawl of the web it seems that you cannot make a BT residential hub 2 become static - only BT business hubs can do this. I have looked at the locked thread and read your instructions AC, but dont see what I can do to remove the warning. R-


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Have just posted about a warning I am getting on RM start-up which is awaiting moderation. Thought I would just add that the picture loading is much faster in W10 than it was in 8.1. Just saying. :-) R-

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John . As it appears you are the expert on RAILMASTER can you please tell me on what page of the RAILMASTER or ELITE/ELINK manuals the instructions are advising against upgrading software until all of the bugs have been resolved,Also how users will know when this is done.  I believe this advice is only on the Forum and not in any manual, Not all users of RAILMASTER/ELINK use the Forum website and those that do only do so because they are experiencing problems and would like a solution. RAILMASTER and TRACKMASTER have emailed me after me contacting them with my problem,there reply was this ,

"RAILMASTER works well for the vast majority of users running on various versions of Windows. Indeed we have done testing on Windows 10 on several platforms as have our Beta testers and found no problems.

We would suggest that the problem therefore lies with your PC and set up."

I believe they have now changed their tune after so many users are experiencing the same problem

This problem was the same when Windows 8.1 was installed when RAILMASTER was failing to handshake with ELINK.

.I for one couldn't wait to get away from Windows 8/8.1 as this was the worst version ever hence why microsoft has given this as a FREE upgrade,NEVER known before. My problem still exists RAILMASTER not recognising ELINK and I have lost my PRO version which I paid extra for. 

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Colin,  before most people upgrade to a new version of windows, they seek advice, either from this forum, or the internet.. You , it would appear were keen to get away from windows 8, which i can understand, but having had a similar problem, with your windows 8, and Elink, surely, a tad of caution, was indicated. Certainly, not all  users of Railmaster use this forum, but you do, and very early in this topic, both Hornby, and Augustus, cautioned against rushing in. Railmaster came out many years ago, and so did the instructions, on installation, which have not changed. . When the problems started with windows 8, several of us, realising that RM, worked best with XP, made the decision, to have a dedicated machine, as i have mentioned before. This meant , we could continue our hobby, in the secure knowledge, that no problems would exist. I mention this, because, windows 10, is updating almost daily, and even if you arrive at a solution, with your elink, it could be blown out the water, on subsequent updates. By temporarily returning to windows 8, you would be able to, as others have done, enjoy your trains, as you can never claw back lost time. Have you stopped to wonder why this upgrade was free. there is no such thing, as a free lunch, but having thousands of free testers, enabled the bugs to be found quicker, by microsoft. They also wanted out of windows 8, as soon as possible. In addition they wanted us windows 7 users to move on. Fat chance. I really am sorry that you are having these problems, but they were self initiated. john.

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Could I just add my thanks to you for all the effort you have put into this topic.

I do not get a successful handshake either with my Elite but I have not found anything yet that does not work properly so the only problem appears to be that the Elite icon is 'greyed out'

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Same here RDS - my post refered to above is about static IP address (with screen shot - which is holding the post up). No operational features seem to be impacted by the warning. I take it you have had no warning about your RM not having a static IP address set up? R-

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... I take it you have had no warning about your RM not having a static IP address set up? R-

Hi Roger

I get no warnings at all and my Loco's and points all work as expected from RailMaster.

The only thing that suggests a problem is the greyed out Elite icon, that when I hover over it, shows 'DCC controller inactive'


Regarding the static ip address, I have not set a static ip address, even though I should have done to ensure it works to my networked (XP) PC.  I don't use the network every time and in fact I only got it as a novelty really, so I just check what address has been allocated to my Windows 10 laptop and enter that into the version on the XP slave each time.  The networked version, has a different icon where the Elite one is on the Windows 10 laptop, showing two screens (indicating a network).  This network icon is not greyed out but hovering over it, also shows 'DCC inactive' even though I can run Loco's and change points as before.


The only error I do get on the network setup is the same as was present before upgrading from Windows 7 to 10 and that concerns point changes.  When I change a point over the network, even though the point changes as expected, I get an error window on the networked PC, with the words 'No confirmation was received from the Master Terminal. Please check that it is running.  You may need to restart RailMaster'.  I must emphasise this error is not new to Windows 10 and was present before.  The other strange thing is that the Blue lines change on the Master Terminal to indicate point direction but never on the networked PC, even if the point was changed over the network.  Again, this anomaly, was present in Windows 7 and I presume it is associated with the 'no confirmation......' message described above.

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I get no warnings at all and my Loco's and points all work as expected from RailMaster.

The only thing that suggests a problem is the greyed out Elite icon, that when I hover over it, shows 'DCC controller inactive'



Same here RDS - as my old Granny used to say, "It'll all work out in the wash" R-

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Strange isn't it? On my Mac I get the spinning wheel but on my Windows Laptop, did I mention that it is running W10? :-) , the screen shot shows correctly. Be good fun to post spinning wheels though eh? R-

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HMRS are there to resolve problems,they should have resolved this problem by now,They are the progrogram experts this has been going on since release of Windows 10 on the 29/07/15 11 days, Windows 10 is a better system than 8/8.1 and I am having no other problems with it,and am very happy to have installed and be using it. My problem started day one of upgrading to Windows 10 My RAILMASTER was failing the handshake with my ELINK,this became worse as my system would not shut RAILMASTER down but sat with the final message, PLEASE WAIT BACKING UP IMPORTANT FILES the only way I could get rid of this was by rebooting my Laptop.

Also my RAILMASTER would not deregister program, As if by magic both of these faults were rectifed after emailing RM support. I then deregistered program and decided to uninstall RAILMASTER and reinstall from fresh. Bad move I originally had RAILMASTER PRO this I now longer have just RAILMASTER also when starting up PLEASE WAIT CONNECTING TO ELINK reads then PLEASE WAIT INITIALISING DCC CONTROLLER.  Driver installed 14/01/2014  5.1.2600.8. Still not controlling ELINK have been emailing RM support frequently problem still ongoing.



i got the same thing it just keeps on saying PLEASE WAIT INITIALISING DCC CONTROLLER and loaads 3 bars and thats it

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... On my Mac I get the spinning wheel but on my Windows Laptop, did I mention that it is running W10? :-) , the screen shot shows correctly ...

Fascinating - on my Windows 10 RM Laptop - I get a spinning wheel.

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When I try to apply AC's fix, on clicking 'Scan for hardware changes', I briefly see "CDC RS-232 Emulation Demo" appear in the Device Manager and then it disappears. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this? (In my case, the fix is unsuccessful.)




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Mr crazy, Hornby are not ther to solve self inflicted problems. Their support is second to none, and i am sure they will try to help. HRMS, specifically asked people to wait, before rushing in, which some people, chose to ignore. Nobody disputes that  10, is better than 8, but a working 8, which you had, is better than where you are now. Many, have gone back, in order to play trains, until advised that the problems are sorted. john

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Interesting, that spinning wheel posted earlier, which is still spinning away for me by the way, looks remarkably like the spinning wheel I have been getting for the last 3 and half hours on my desktop after I asked it to install Win 10.


Now before everybody rushes to their keyboards to warn me of the dire consequences of such a foolish act, I should like to point out that Hornby Railmaster will never see the light of day on this dinosaur of a PC.


Collective sighs of relief from around the forum.........


So to continue, a large Blue and White window appeared early on in the process proclaiming "Working on it...." accompanied by a an animated icon of what can only be described as ..... you know when a magician gets a pack of cards and kind of sends them through the air from one hand to another....well that sort of thing.


It's nearly midnight in the TWD household and quite frankly I'm bored with it now so I've just powered it off. What awaits me in the morning only God and Bill Gates knows. I'll keep you posted.

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As said before "Where on earth does RAILMASTER say DO NOT INSTALL NEWER VERSION OF WINDOWS.Forget the forum or the internet I for one DO NOT consult RAILMASTER forum or the INTERNET to discover problems with programs before installing them I am an end user not a program buff.. according to RAILMASTER this was a tried and tested system by them and BETA version testers with NO PROBLEMS. Too many people are having problems to be ignored and blaming the user .As said before RESOLVE THE PROBLEM and STOP PASSING THE BUCK on the users who have paid for RAILMASTER and ELINK. I for one WILL NOT GO BACK TO WINDOWS 8/8.1 AT ANY COST. My laptop is more stable now than it ever was. According to those in the know this is a USB driver problem But according to RAILMASTER this is the same as WINDOWS 8/8.1. Prove to me that this is my fault I think NOT. already on page 22 of this problem.

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@Colin Raines, if 'those in the know are correct' and it is a USB driver problem then HRMS have a problem because the fix will likely be outside their control. They will have to be in discussion with Microsoft who provide the USB driver in Windows 10 (USBSER.SYS) and whoever provide the USB-Serial chipset in the E-Link itself. It is quite likely to have to be one of those two parties to determine and release the fix. Device drivers are very difficult to write and you need specialist software engineers to do so, I would doubt that HRMS have such an enginner (though obviously I could be wrong). In my opinion Windows 10 is marginally better than Windows 8.1 and it certainly loads faster, but for me it is currently less stable. However that will be sorted over the next few weeks and months. I upgraded my Win 8.1 laptop to get exposure to Windows 10, but I certainly won't be upgrading my Railmaster PC or my development Workstation from their current Windows 7 to Windows 10 anytime within the next 6 - 9 months. To be blunt, given the history of Microsoft O/S upgrades you are mad to upgrade, no matter how much you hate the previous version, within the first 3 months or so unless there is an overridingly strong reason to do so such as being a developer developing software for Windows 10. 

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Nick. C, as samuel colt once said, 6 votes for common sense. We are only on page 22, cos  there are those, unable to accept their error.. As to  laptop being more stable under windows 10, well , not according to the experts. It will as you say, be months, before that is so.. I could go on, but it will fall on stony ground.  Those of us, who can still run trains, continue to enjoy their hobby. john

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Nick. C, as samuel colt once said, 6 votes for common sense. We are only on page 22, cos  there are those, unable to accept their error.. As to  laptop being more stable under windows 10, well , not according to the experts. It will as you say, be months, before that is so.. I could go on, but it will fall on stony ground.  Those of us, who can still run trains, continue to enjoy their hobby. john

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Thanks to Hornby telling us to beware of upgrading our computers to windows 10 ( must be very very small print somewere) I like many others have now got a static unusable model railway. Good Job it isnt readt to go on show yet.

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