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Problem with loco decoders


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I initially installed a Hatton's 8 pin direct decoder in my R3086 Flying Scotsman.

One day it just stopped running.

I changed over to another Hatton's decoder from another loco and it then ran okay.

Returned the decoder to Hatton's for replacement and decided to replace it with a Zen360 decoder with stay alive.

Installed the Zen decoder in F Scot and it read okay on the programming track.

Placed the loco on the regular track and nothing happened.

Returned the loco to the programming track and reprogrammed it with a new ID and still nothing happened.

Switched the Zen decoder to another loco and nothing happened.

Both locos then ran okay when using the Hatton's decoder.

Can I be unlucky enough to have a faulty decoder replaced with a faulty decoder, or is there a simpler explanation and solution?

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Both locos rune with the Hatton's decoder - conclusion: locos definitely OK

Neitther loco runs with the Zen decoder - conclusion: decoder probably faulty.

Try a factory reset on the Zen decoder (the manual will tell you how). If nether loco runs then your conclusion above seems likely to be true - 2 duff decoders.


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Set CV8=008 to reset the Zen decoder and then try running the loco using the default address 3. If it works then  re-program it to whichever address you want to use and hopefully all will be OK. If it still doesn't work then it looks like another faulty decoder.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a problem with CV29 being corrupted on my decoder after setting the loco id - I reset the decoder (by setting cv8 to 8), then read CV29, set the loco id and reset CV29 to it's original value (6 in my case) - that fixed my problem - the lights weren't working properly.



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Hi i recently got a job lot of hornby bit on eBay.in the parts was a hornby sound tender, looks like it was from a princess/duchess class. I have a hornby princess gold set r1170 which has never been run and was hoping to put the sound decoder on to it.seeing as the tenders look very similar i tried to couple it to the train to see if it worked, but got no response. It won't accept a loco no from a dcc controller. Is there any way of testing a decoder or does it have to be sent back to the manufacturer

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