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Editing track plans

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I have only just installed Railmaster with elink and have been playing as you do. I have created a track plan which was straight forward enough but I am having real problems on how to edit it once it is saved.  I cannot find any reference in the manual and have pressed every button and searched every menu that I can. I would be grateful if someone could point me in the correct direction as I am sure you must be able to do it

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HI, click triangle symbol, but remember your plan needs a name. I looked at the ones in this list, picked one, and modified it EG hornby track plan 9, johns version. Welcome to the forum. The other nice thing to play with, is the Double Header, where you join 2 locos, and they run as one. Its on top of screen, in list. john

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Thanks for the replies and the welcome.  I thought I was going mad initially, even though you have told me where to look, I couldn't see any lists !!!! Then I realised that the design screen was waaaay to big and i couldn't see the top or the bottom, minimised the screen and there it was ...... Many thanks.

As I don't have a 5 year old to show me how this works, I quess there will be lots of questions in future.


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