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Lost Interest

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Let's get this into perspective chaps. It's a gadget for playing trains. If this is all you have to worry about then lucky you. 


Just imagine if that car arrived early and turned out to be a load of rubbish because they hadn't ironed out some unforeseen problems. What would you prefer, something that worked better than you expected or something that spent most of its time being repaired?




I agree with what you say but, we go back to the start, here you will also find I agree with what you say.


It is from the start the issue has been created, whether with good intentions at the time or not.


You said, something on the lines of, they should not tell people about items until they have them and are ready to sell them, I totally agree with you WTD.


But there also times in business when they want to test the market for interest and if so they have to decide how they choose to do so.


Hornby have created the issue, firstly by telling us about LD, building up peoples hopes, and saying 'coming soon'. They had two options, one they do as said above and keep quiet or, if they decide to tell customers they should be realistic in time scales quoted and follow through with communication. One or the other.


They started off by creating interest, as said above, probably with good intentions at the time, testing the water for interest. They further encouraged us by not just adding LD commands in RM but also telling us they were there, probably to listen to our discussions, were there issues they hadn't thought of, etc.


You don't start a wheel rolling down a hill and let go of it. You either don't start it at all or you run with it. Communication is the key.

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The thing is I think it was coming soon, whenever that is, then they had a rethink so the soon became a later soon not a soon soon. 


As as you can probably tell I can't get worked up over a delay of something that isn't going to affect my life one little bit. If I had designed my layout to only work with something that didnt exist I guess that maybe I would think I had made a big mistake. 


If and when something new actually arrives, that is the time to think mmm now I think I could use that. 


Anyway carry on chaps if it give you something to do. Wouldn't be the Hornby Forum without you. 

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WTD you are wonderful (your wife told me to say that LOL)


The answer therefore is not....

- LD is coming soon

- or LD is maybe coming soon but maybe later


It has to be that LD is coming..... Sooner or later  ;o)


That all makes sense WTD, that is if they run with the ball they set off rolling in the first place. But we all know they didn't.


So come on HRMS lets have some sort of update. Let us call it a 'follow up'.

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That would require some form of 'Detection' which they are probably waiting for and is coming soon.


From memory your wife might have referred to the old dog, she said something like the old dog is in that room again! If she had said, do you want a cup of tea dear, I would know she wasn't talking to me and had to be talking to you. But, 'are you in that room again' I have heard them words before. ;o)

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Let's get this into perspective chaps. It's a gadget for playing trains. If this is all you have to worry about then lucky you. 


Just imagine if that car arrived early and turned out to be a load of rubbish because they hadn't ironed out some unforeseen problems. What would you prefer, something that worked better than you expected or something that spent most of its time being repaired?

Why always jump to the defence of Hornby? Customers are entitled to give feedback and grumble if they want to or feel jusitified in doing so?


If a manufacturer promoted a new car and then hadn't released it after two years what would you 1, think and 2, do? Me: 1. What a poor company, 2. Buy my car elsewhere now and probaly also in future.


And it doesn't matter whether it's a car or a gadget for playing trains or whatever. It's about setting and managing customer expectations, and about how dissapointment will lead to damage of reputation and loss of customer loyalty.




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I know you are not jumping to Hornby's defence WTD, you do try neutralise any argument or statement on the forum. Although that may be a good thing to do, there are times when, subject to the circumstances, things have to be raised and questions asked.


As I see it, we shouldn't have to be asking Hornby/HRMS for an update, but so much time has gone by and not a word from them is not good for their business. (So in a roundabout way I am defending them also)


Hornby have two choices as discussed earlier.

1 - Don't make things public until available, or

2 - If they decide to make things public they should provide updates and if they give any idea of time scale (coming soon or otherwise) they should keep to it or give reasons why not, in a timely manner. Feedback, no news is bad news.


What we have to accept with LD, is that Hornby did decided to go public, they decided to add code in RM, they decided to tell us they had put the commands in RM, they even quoted coming soon. This is not one instance but a long line of statements to assess interest and get feedback. Surely, if they want the interest to continue they should provide feedback. If the flame is removed everything cools down.


I have avoiding saying this, but in the light of the time gone by with no update at all from HRMS we have to ask the questions, who has 'Lost Interest?'


I personally think Hornby made the right decision in going public about LD, the discussions have shown a level of interest for them, the discussions have no doubt been helpful to them, but I have to say,I think it has been badly managed. Maybe they think a lot people have their holidays in the summer months, interest is much lower, this is common in all craft related businesses, they would be right to think that, people go out for the day when the sun shines, when ;o), do the garden, go for walks, etc. Craft related businesses usually pick up after the kids go to school in September and peak just before Christmas (dare I say Black Friday period). Maybe they are waiting for this, maybe? But lack of communication after creating interest and excitement is bad business.


Before this subject goes off topic based on what I just said, I add the above comment are based on the northern hemisphere, UK, I appreciate Hornby is a worldwide business and one persons summer could be another person's winter. Only Hornby know the percentage of sales in each country of the world.


And to sum up... all we ask is for an update. Come on HRMS.

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PJ,high, glad to see you back on your hobby horse, thought you had thrown a shoe. You have not missed a lot. Glad to see you are prevailing with windows 8. Theres trouble at mill, with elink connections to windows 10, so if you want to play trains, hang on a bit, else you will join ever growing list of non connectors. My brother is on an electric bed, supplied courtescy of local hospital, together with hoist.  You might need red/ green signal for upping and downing, mind you, you have had plenty of experience with signals. They tell me i have become grumpy, following 72 nd birthday, moaning about windows 10. My lady wife says, more grumpy would be a better  description. john

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Hi All

Well i am a windows 10 upgrader and pround of it anything works a treat , did have elite icon grey out but that's back to normal and everything on RM is working fine been doing windows from the start with microsoft and they have not let me down yet like life their is always up's and downs.

well done Bill and microsoft

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... did have elite icon grey out but that's back to normal ...

If you don't mind me asking - How did you fix it because although my system appears to work fine, the icon is greyed out, so it would be nice to have it displaying correctly.

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Perhaps it's ready but they can't find it. 


Maybe it's like the guy who got out of jail after a long stretch. He was given back the suit he had arrived in and, as he was walking down the road, he checked the pockets and found a ticket for shoes he'd put in at the local bootmaker's shop.  He went there, gave the ticket to the bootmaker who went out the back for several minutes before returning to announce "they'll be ready on Thursday".


Now I know that's an old joke, but maybe you should check the pockets of the outfit you wore to the model railway show a couple of years back where you talked about LD with Hornby at their stand. Maybe you'll find the ticket where you reserved your LD system.  If you send that ticket back to Hornby now, there's a good chance it will be ready soon.

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I'm afraid I still have so much else to do on my Elite/RM layout that, even if LD were to put in an appearance tomorrow, I couldn't possibly live long enough to worry about it. Those who are gagging for and eventually incorporate it, what next?

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PS.  This is now 4 threads with W10 and greyed out icons. Come on guys, we can do better then that. Let's see if we can fill the whole first page of the RM forum with them.  Chris, you can start, what about writing the W10 and RM users' Guide?


Sorry everyone, cynicism got the better of me there for a minute.  What was it we were talking about ........... oh yes, it was .......... er .............. something important.  Can't seem to remember, I must be losing interest.  Was it anything to do with hats Graskie?

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For me, my trains are a seasonal thing, not by choice, but by location. I took a  gauge upstairs yesterday, as it was a fraction cooler, and it showed 37 degrees. Loss of interest, no, not at all, simply driven out by the heat. In the winter, i am very content from september onwards, as have much still to, having no scenery, lighting etc. Certainly not waiting for new products, as majority of mine are very old (3 rail). john

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I do believe some are beginning to see what I have been trying to say.


OK I agree Hornby could say what's going on but pages and pages and pages of negative comments doesn't help and is very boring. 


This is a forum for offering advice and asking questions not going on and on about the same thing. 


Adam please please put these guys minds at rest and tell them where LD is. 

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