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Lost Interest

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... did have elite icon grey out but that's back to normal ...

If you don't mind me asking - How did you fix it because although my system appears to work fine, the icon is greyed out, so it would be nice to have it displaying correctly.


I did not do anything first few times I booted up RM under win 10 elite icon was greyout then the other day Just boot up RM and it was not greyed out and has not been since I must have magic gremlins.

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RailMaster development are a separate team from this forum's management.  Loco Detection will be forthcoming.  There are several aspects to do with legal and technical matters that need to be finalised however we can assure you that we have a fully working loco detection system, which needs finalising as above.  We cannot provide a date in the calendar for you for its release.

Also remember that Loco Detection is retro-fittable, which means you do not need to plan a layout around it, wait to lay track or leave spaces etc. in order to fit it.  It has been made as simple as possible to fit and will be very cost-effective, certainly moreso (given the functionality) than any other remotely similar system on the market,

Because this is a novel and powerful system you will appreciate that we need to get everything right before releasing it.  There will also inevitibly be additional support required due to the sophistication of the system.

We have a multi-year plan of some great new features for RailMaster, however experience has told us not to make any hint of new developments to raise expectations and cause the speculation that has been occurring on this forum.  Let's just say that we listen to all comments and want to ensure that RailMaster is the model railway system of choice.  This means giving users what they want, not just building things in for the sake of it.

You will be rewarded for your patience in the not too distant future.


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RailMaster development are a separate team from this forum's management.


We know that but in the past you have also said you were following items on the forum. The issue was not where is LD but that we had not been updated in anyway we know you will do everything you can to get it to work with minimal problems, there will always be some we also appreciate that. Thank you for your reply.


Also remember that Loco Detection is retro-fittable, which means you do not need to plan a layout around it


We appreciate this, I think many of us are not planning around it but are planning for it and that is based in the encouragement and information received over the last 1-2 years.


We have a multi-year plan of some great new features for RailMaster, however experience has told us not to make any hint of new developments to raise expectations and cause the speculation that has been occurring on this forum. Let's just say that we listen to all comments and want to ensure that RailMaster is the model railway system of choice. This means giving users what they want, not just building things in for the sake of it.


Sounds good ;o)


You will be rewarded for your patience in the not too distant future.


Sounds even better... thank you.

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For me, my trains are a seasonal thing, not by choice, but by location. I took a  gauge upstairs yesterday, as it was a fraction cooler, and it showed 37 degrees. Loss of interest, no, not at all, simply driven out by the heat. In the winter, i am very content from september onwards, as have much still to, having no scenery, lighting etc. Certainly not waiting for new products, as majority of mine are very old (3 rail). john


Hello young man,

37 degrees, for many in this country it is just a dream (or an holiday) 

You say the majority of your layout is old??? Does that include the cobwebs John ;o)

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PJ,high, glad to see you back on your hobby horse, thought you had thrown a shoe. You have not missed a lot. Glad to see you are prevailing with windows 8. Theres trouble at mill, with elink connections to windows 10, so if you want to play trains, hang on a bit, else you will join ever growing list of non connectors. My brother is on an electric bed, supplied courtescy of local hospital, together with hoist.  You might need red/ green signal for upping and downing, mind you, you have had plenty of experience with signals. They tell me i have become grumpy, following 72 nd birthday, moaning about windows 10. My lady wife says, more grumpy would be a better  description. john


Hello again John,


I have Windows 10 on my PC and laptop now and they run ok, with all installed software but, RM is not connected yet. I read the issues stated and wondered shall I, or shall I not install it. In the end I decided to install it and run it a few weeks before connecting RM.  I won't have access to my trains until the end of August.


Regarding the electric beds we have purchased two, they are expensive but, if you can't get out of bed, you can't play with your trains then a decision had to be made. Savings disappear fast when you retire John.


Are you still managing to gind time to drink that nice red wine  ;o)


Seems like your wife knows you John LOL

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PJ, hi, savings, what are they. Good long reply from HRMS, should hell to quell the mounting emotions. You may have to spend a little more on an Elite, unless the Elink issue is resolved by the time you are ready to start again. As you had a year to upgrade, you could have hedged your bets, only doing one. That way, if no solution by the time you are ready, you would have been safe to play. Its a shame that the elink probs have arisen again. Did you see that guy who built his layout on his ceiling. That way you could have played from your bed. We have been very unlucky with this years weather. It was the same 14 years ago, when we came, 20 weeks without rain then. Popped up last night and fitted my 5 metre roll of leds. Amazing effect. Fitted them on base, next to trains. Gives a nice effect, as they pass by. Take care. john

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... then the other day Just boot up RM and it was not greyed out and has not been since ...

Thank you, maybe there has been some form of background update to your RailMaster.



Reading the messages on here and knowing how Microsoft work with updates/patches etc, that was why I thought maybe best install Windows 10 and let it settle down for two weeks before adding RM again. Havig said that I have installed it on PC and laptop and no problems with any of other software installed.

Maybe an easier decision for me as I cannot use my layout for two weeks, I would have probably done same as most others had it been connected.

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PJ, hi, savings, what are they. Good long reply from HRMS, should hell to quell the mounting emotions. 


Hello John


I don't think there was mounting emotions regarding LD just a request for an update as there had been none since earlier this year. 


Regarding the electric adjustable bed, I am not paralysed or anything like that but, after struggling getting our of chairs for so long I have for some time struggled to get out of bed, raising from the horizontal position has got so hard, pulling from ceiling or a side bar were considered but after pulling a nerve in my neck and trapping a nerve they had to be ruled out. A bed that raises me to help me get out will go a long way to help, dcc of course ;o)  


Have any big carp come out of that big lake across from you? 

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37 lover, hi, he would have been better deleting all the football ones on general, if it was him. I  Try to be civil, and attempting to cure windows 10 grumpyness, but with the drama my lad had with it. did nowt to help. Bit worrying about all these silly football things. john

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Quite agree; I don't think it was Adam because,as you say. he would probably have been sorting out the football posts. FYI, in case there's the slightest of doubt, I only disagree with some of your views, certainly not your manners or civility!

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Just to return to my original post for a moment, whilst I am grateful to HRMS for their response it does little to reassure me. I got back into the hobby based on the fact I could control all movements through rail master and the added control that LD would give me. If I had known it would not be available for so long I would have looked at alternatives, but having invested in Hornby products I feel loathe to change.

i understand I could carry on without it but I may want to make major changes or redesign my whole layout as a consequence of being able to accurately stop at a station for instance.

In the 60's / 70's I seem the to remember a lot of products marked 'Patent Pending'. 

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Just to return to my original post for a moment, whilst I am grateful to HRMS for their response it does little to reassure me. I got back into the hobby based on the fact I could control all movements through rail master and the added control that LD would give me. If I had known it would not be available for so long I would have looked at alternatives, but having invested in Hornby products I feel loathe to change.

i understand I could carry on without it but I may want to make major changes or redesign my whole layout as a consequence of being able to accurately stop at a station for instance.

In the 60's / 70's I seem the to remember a lot of products marked 'Patent Pending'. 

Thanks for bringing this back on track. I 'lost interest' but due to the usual off thread discussions (I do wish admin would stop that or delete the waffle)


I am very dissapointed with the time it is taking to release LD. I started with an evaluation version of RailMaster, and the big attraction to me was controlling the layout automatically. I wanted my end to end branch to shuttle automatically, and my train stop in the hidden fiddle yards and a different one come out, plus automatic route setting etc. etc. So I was devastated when I found all that was impossible as trains did not stop in the same position. 


Then along came the promise of loco detection, so I paid my 60 quid and bought RailMaster. Which now 2 years later will still not do what I bought it for.


I understand Hornby may not want their ideas copying, but what can possibly be so new that nobody else has ever thought of it? They surely cannot patent loco detection itself, or RFID or barcode reading. So I do wonder what exactly they are trying to patent, or whether that is just an excuse for delayed technical issues.


With regard to Patent Pending, not sure what that achieves, because until the patent is awarded, the idea could still be copied? And as they say in any case, there is more than one way to skin a cat!





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