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Lost Interest

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I'm looking forward to installing LD when it arrives, but until it does the lack of it won't stop me running my layout. The isolated sections suggestion is an interesting idea, but unfortunatly won't work for me because some of my locos have keep-alives.

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The isolating section method should still work with locos fitted with keep-alive decoders because invariably you will use an isolating section where a loco is already decelerating to a gently stop.  At this point there should be so little power in the keep-alive decoder that it should stop reasonably close (is the isolating section is long enough).  You could test it on a separate piece of track with one fishplate no connected and see what happens.

We are working to try and get Loco Detection to the market as soon as possible so that those waiting can use it.

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Strange for HRMS to respond twice, have we finally hit a nerve. If LD was imminent would they be suggesting alternatives? They hope that it is the end to the thread which seems an unusual response to me. Maybe they don't care that a few of us have lost interest and that the diehard enthusiasts will continue to buy their products no matter what. 

I believe I should get back into my layout but should start looking at other manufacturers. 

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Though it is a little naive to assume something will be ready when you want or need it, especially based on a promise by a company that is clearly computer illiterate, the very idea of LD combined with computers is a great incentive to many to get into model railroading in the first place.

All this talk I hear about patents and stuff is amusing – face it – they simply can’t work out how to do it!

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Hosh, just read your post and totally disagree with you. Folks thinking of getting into this hobby haven't heard of LD so it's not an incentive. I was on this Forum for several months before I became aware that LD meant Loco Detection and it's not an issue one way or the other. Your negative comments are of no benefit to newbies, either. If you don't like Hornby, why are you here.

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Hosh, it would be better, before sounding off to be aware of some facts. HRMS, are the computer experts, not hornby.and are very up on their subject.  hornby as a model company,  does  what it does best, leaving the IT, to the specialist. LD, has been a little unlucky, being drawn into 2 major software upheavals, delaying its inception. Constructive comments are fine, but negative, un necessary. john

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I'm sorry hosh but that is absolute rubbish. I have absolutely no interest in LD or DCC come to that but follow these threads with interest. LD was on the verge of being released when the boffins developing it had what was explained as a eureka moment and almost started again.  If you go back and read everything you will find this out.  I would say that most people coming in to model railways don't give a hoot about LD, it's something that will be adopted later. 


By the way I'm not pro Hornby or any other company. Just buy what I want from those that make it so I'm not sticking up for Hornby but just saying have all the facts before you sound off.


Enjoy your model railway, I do. 

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Oh dear, beomng emotive.


I don't know if it's been mentioned, but there seems to be a picture of a detector on page 39 of theRailMaster user manual in the section about speed correction. Also involves reflective strips under the loco. Hmm. Interesting!


Come on Hornby, we are all excited! :)



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I do not have a model railroad and am not in a financial or space situation where I could have anyway. But both of those situations will change soon and I can assure you that if I do a layout, then as things stand at present I wouldn't even consider Hornby for anything other than steam engines and carriages, and even then it'd be begrudgingly.

This company should have had something like this on the market by the turn of the century. This company has the stench of inherited wealth written all over it! What a bunch of lazy slackers that must be calling the shots, or more to the point, not calling any shots at all. Just "inherit" what’s in place and plod along like a docile fool with no ambition and no clue at all. They're a disgrace, and as an Anglo Saxon, an embarrassment. They're a 20th century company.

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Gosh, Hosh, yes, what tosh! There's no need to be as nasty as that. Hornby have in fact had it a bit tough in recent years and can't afford to fall behind in existing and potential future customer expectations. If you did write that with tongue in cheek, you should still be ashamed of yourself. Even I wouldn't dare to express such damning criticism, even in jest, especially as it is far from the truth. (Please send another bar of gold to my usual address, Adam..............)

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Thanks Adam for the removal of the offensive posts. This forum is and should be kept positive and when negative posts are placed they should at least be as they have been so far... fair but objective with any criticism and not outright rudeness no matter what.

I'm sure the posters of responses to the original offending post won't mind their removal.

Let's keep it clean guys!! :-)

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I "lost interest" by around page 3 of this thread.

Strange then you took the trouble to post. 

May I just ask if you all think that if Hornby had not put so much time and effort into voice control then we may have had LD earlier?

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