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Double headers

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Greetings, i particularly like this feature, which enables me to get more locos on layout, but just hit a snag.  RM screen froze, very unusually, and whilst i was able to stop all running locos, the double header, was a snag. A quick bit of thinking(unusual for me), led to using both knobs on Elite, together, which stopped the runaway trains, but obviously, one knob alone, kept the other moving. The question i have, is, is there a way of setting the elite to mirror double headers, like it does with normal RM running, so that 1 knob, would be sufficient. thanks. john

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 Of course you can control double headers with one knob. You can give them the same number, as WTD says, but that's not the best way to do it.

Consist is an American term, but in the UK it is known by Double or Triple Heading. This is where two or more locomotives are brought together and function as one.

There are three types of Consisting

(1) Basic consisting where the locomotive decoders in the Consist have the same address.

(2) Universal Consisting where the Consist information is stored in the Command Station.

(3) Advanced Consisting where the Consist information is stored inside the decoder.


The best way is to use (3) Advanced Consisting. Follow the instructions in the Elite Manual under the topic heading 'Creating a Double Headed Group (Consist)'.

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There you are - two cleverer minds in 13 minutes. The difficulty I have found with double heading (thank you Poliss) is getting the speeds to match. I tried it with two same class locos (not identical, coudn't be) but one was either pushing or pulling the other - you could tell by the wheel spin. I faffed about with CV settings but decided it was getting in the way of the fun, so stopped. R-

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Poliss, Rog, WTD, thanks, i have 2 identical locos, so speed is no problem. What i was trying to get over, is that with RM, you can set up double header, and run, with a mouse. ok., the little green light on rm comes on. Now when you drive a single loco, with the Elite, RM, mirrors this, eg the loco sliders on screen, respond to the elite. Right now, is there any way that having set up on screen, i can then drive them with Elite, or do i have to set up also Double header, in Elite.  It is very much quicker to set up in RM, but easier to drive with Elite.. If you guys have understood all that, fine. I accept its complicated to explain. You see, i would like to have more than one DH, running at once. john

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When controlling double headers using RailMaster the program sends out multiple commands for each loco in the header, rather than setting up a consist within the controller itself.  This method allows for much more flexibility than the NMRA specification intended, for example controlling up to five locos in a header and up to five simultaneous sets of multiple headers.  The other advantage is that throttle and direction controls are updated for all locos in a RailMaster-controlled multiple header.  Also, RailMaster allows you to reverse locos within a multiple header (Pro-Pack feature) just like in real life.  There aren't many DCC control systems that can do that.

An interesting point has been raised regarding feedback control from the Elite.  We put in the feature of reading feedback control from the Elite and therefore updating throttle and direction information within RailMaster as a useful function, however there is no reason why we cannot allow the control of all locos within a multiple header when controlling any one of those locos using a single Elite control knob.  We shall therefore build this update into a future update.

Also bear in mind that if you are using scale speed operation (recommended) in RailMaster and you have selected the correct model of Hornby loco from the built in database, or set up another manufacturer's loco and profiled it correctly for scale speed operation, RailMaster will handle the double-heading operation for both locos at their correct scale speed, i.e. there will be very little or no wheel spin from any loco.  This, of course, assumes that the motors are clean, pick-ups and brushes are clean and the track itself is clean.

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HRMS, good morning, being a bear of little brain, i had to read your great response more than once to understand it, i think. Am i understanding you right, that you will in due course be able to control  from elite with one knob. If so, great. Moving on, will this mean an Elite update, bearing in mind the fearful problems with 1.42, or an RM update, and as i am sure you realize, setting up from RM, is a doddle compared with Elite. Eutopia would be, set up with RM, drive on one knob from Elite, with both controllers harmonised. If that is what your replt said, super. One final question, when, as at 72, my hours of playing trains, are on a reducing curve. many thanks. john

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No update will be needed to the Elite's firmware.  In fact, as far as RailMaster is concerned, the Elite can stay at firmware version 1.3 and have no impact on the operation of RailMaster.  As RailMaster does all the hard work it treats the Elite as merely a DCC interface box and does not use any of the fancy functions in the unit.  The update will be in RailMaster itself and the update will work as usual as an automatic download.


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what about those decoders that do not fully support advanced double heading - does RM work round that by use of parallel commands to each loco in the consist (if I read your interesting explanation above correctly).

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