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Windows 10 Handshake Problem

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Sloop, if you read the Windows 10 post, you will se the problem in now down to computer manufactures, and their Bios. What laptop do you have.  i have the feeling  this is going to take a time to fix.  i would also use the fall back option, as you have 12 months to use up on free offer. which will allow you to continue, with your trains john

Yelrow, I fail to see what help knowing the make of my laptop will have in solving the problem with railmaster communicating with elink.

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sloop, hi, may be you have not read all the connected posts. If you do so, you will see that HRMS, have talked in detail about Leveno, who have now released a bios update to help connection with Elink..  Other manufacturers, either are, or are not supporting windows 10. If they are not, then a bios update could be a long wait, as in the case of Acer. If however, they are, then the bios update, will correct the existing problem, with your elink. Once all these updates are released, and downloaded to our machines, the theory is, that the problem, which is nothing to do with Hornby, will be solved. Now do you see the reason for my  question. john

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Clive and John, please contact us directly through the Help Request system in RailMaster.

Hi Clive, I was just wondering if you have had any luck with the Help Request System. So far I have had a list of what steps to try, slightly different from the forum steps. Along with the standard blurb about reverting to windows 7/8. Hopefully they will use the remote login to look at my computer.


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Clive and John, please contact us directly through the Help Request system in RailMaster.

Hi Clive, I was just wondering if you have had any luck with the Help Request System. So far I have had a list of what steps to try, slightly different from the forum steps. Along with the standard blurb about reverting to windows 7/8. Hopefully they will use the remote login to look at my computer.



Tried toget them to use the remote login, but it seems there solution for now if nothing they know of works is to revert back to Windows 7/8/8.1 and wait for  any update. how you will know when the upgrade that helps will have happened I have yet to find out.


Personally have had to go back to Windows 8.1 were everything worked 1st time. The only good to come out of it seems the let medownload the next version of Railmaster to try (1.62) which seems to be working ok for me.


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Hi John,

HRMS responded on 15 August to my request through RM, advice was to download and install a new eLink driver, did so, no solution and advised HRMS. Got back to me on 18 August asking me to download and install RM1.62 beta, again no solution, advised HRMS. Final email from HRMS on 20 August advising of BIOS issue with Lenovo PCs, btw my PC is an ASUS and I had already upgraded BIOS to latest available version and no solution here,  HRMS suggested rolling back to previous version of Windows.

Can't fault HRMS, they replied in timely fashion each time with possibile solutions.

I have both an eLink and Elite units, so I have been using the Elite with Win 10. I would consider rolling back to Win 8.1 if I want to use the eLink. For me Win 8 was an excellent OS, I dislike the tiles so I use a program called Classic Shell to display a Win XP type desktop. No real difference between Win 8 and Win 10 for me.

Hope this answers your question.


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Hi John,

HRMS responded on 15 August to my request through RM, advice was to download and install a new eLink driver, did so, no solution and advised HRMS. Got back to me on 18 August asking me to download and install RM1.62 beta, again no solution, advised HRMS. Final email from HRMS on 20 August advising of BIOS issue with Lenovo PCs, btw my PC is an ASUS and I had already upgraded BIOS to latest available version and no solution here,  HRMS suggested rolling back to previous version of Windows.

Can't fault HRMS, they replied in timely fashion each time with possibile solutions.

I have both an eLink and Elite units, so I have been using the Elite with Win 10. I would consider rolling back to Win 8.1 if I want to use the eLink. For me Win 8 was an excellent OS, I dislike the tiles so I use a program called Classic Shell to display a Win XP type desktop. No real difference between Win 8 and Win 10 for me.

Hope this answers your question.


Hi Clive,

Interesting, I also use an Asus motherboard, maybe a new bios update will be avaliable soon. But then again I have the same problem on a Gigabyte motherboard, I must check bios on both.

I would like to know what driver we should be using, the one installed by windows 10 is a good couple of years old. I tried connecting the elink to a clean install of windows and let it look for a driver, it took a time but the one it installed was nothing like it should have been.

I'll use windows 7 on the old computer, it's good enough for my grandson to use to play with the trains, and plug on with trying to get RailMaster working on the other desktop.



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As most of you will know we have been working hard with the hardware manufacturer and others to resolve the issue of eLink connection problems which have affected a minotiry if users who upgraded to Windows 10 (and a handful of users of Windows 8.1).

Without being over-optimistic we may have a fix and so would those users who have experienced eLink communications problems please email us at support@rail-master.com and let us know so that we can provide instructions on what you can do to try the fix.

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I've had the handshake problem not only on windows 10 but also on windows 7 64 bit on two different pc's. Is the fix likely to work for me?


Possible... but not highly likely. The problem is this: This is more likely to be an issue with the system and programs installed on that system rather than the issue discussed here. Take a look at mine and Yelrow's stickies at the top of the RailMaster sub forum.

Attempt to find a solution through those as Windows 7 should not be affected by this driver issue at all... or Windows 8/8.1 for that matter. But... on the other hand, if a machine is affected it will one in a proverbial bucketfull.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have now correctly downloaded the latest version of 1.62 beta having previously followed HRMS insturctions to set new elink software and additional line to ini file.. I can confirm that RM loads and works under W10. There is a however. It takes many minutes to load pausing for several seconds at various points. Last time took 5 minutes. I have reported to HRMS so hopefully they can sort this out. In the meantime I shall put up with the long load time. I have copied this to other W10 posts.

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