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The necessary CVs involved will all be spoken to in the instructions that came with the loco and may even be available as a download from tHe Horbny  support area  for sound locos Instruction sheets if you know which Locksound decoder version it is.

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Hi Jeb, in your loksound instruction manual you will probably find at the end of the list of CV's that CV63 is to adjust sound volume. 0=low, 64=max. So if you have the Elite controller you could reduce the volume by changing CV63 on your programming track to a lower setting than the present one. Loksound list a class31 fitted with V3.5 decoder.HB.

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I have an Elite controller and the decoder was factory fitted. My fault for not explaining this in the original post. Thanks to all who replied.

No instructions but the seller has confirmed that it is CV63 so particular thanks to howbiman. Please continue to make contributions - it was helpful.

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Oh dear, that is what's wrong with Forums, you ask a simple question and get a myriad of replies when the answer is  CV63

How do any of you know that he wasn't just curious, maybe he didn't even have a DCC set up and it was for a friend. Just answer the question, no need for a gestapo interrogation

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On the other hand, MM, he could have been told to alter CV63, and then we get a post saying he can't access it. That would then trigger a barrage of (helpful) advice on how to find it, and then be told that he has a Select!

You win some, you lose most of them!  :-)

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 Not all controllers can alter the sound volume. Not all decoders have the sound volume changed using CV63.

Nobody was being interrogated. Just like to know what equipment a user has before giving advice. Could have just said alter CV63 to find they have a Select or other basic controller. Also possible that the previous owner had replaced the sound decoder with a different make.

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