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Reverse loop module


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I have just bought a hornby reverse loop module and I want to know if the is a limit in how much track length it can power I have the 4 amp power supply for the dcc bus and will be using it for a large section of track as I am running some long trains and it will be going through a set of points (both lanes will be in the reversing section) can it be run with its own bus wire to feed the reversing track Or will it over load it 

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Steve, you cannot under any circumstances have 2 DCC supplies onto the one piece of track, be it that in your reversing loop or otherwise.


You will not need to think about more power until your entire layout takes up both car spots in your double garage.  Then you can think about a power booster, but not now. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 2 reverse loop modules in different parts of my layout and they are not working correctly. Should the led be always on, always off, or flashing. 1 of mine is flashing the other is off. The one nearest the power feed is the one that's flashing. I'm using the Elite controller 


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Poobah, welcome to the forums.  Can I suggest you start with just one RLM, make sure it is wired correctly with input coming from the Elite track output (or track or track bus as appropriate) and output connected to the isolated section of track in your reversing loop.  Can you get this one working now?


Once one is working, wire the other similarly and see if that works too.

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Some basic facts on reverse loops where reverse loop modules are used..

All of the reverse loops rails must be totally isolated from the rest of the railway. Normally done by using Insulated Rail Joiners (min of 4 IRJs) or two Hornby R618 track sections with both sides linking wires removed.  

The distance between any entrance and exit IRJs or Isolating track sections should be longer than the longest whole train (loco and all carriages or wagons) to travel over that loops section i.e. the whole train fits inside the isolated section.

A Reverse Loop Module (RLM) has four connections - two are the input from the DCC system, or the DCC powered rails or a DCC bus pair if a bus is used.  The two Outputs connect to the loops rails and there must be no DCC rail feeds to any rail inside the loops IRJs except that coming form the Modules output.  

The loop can contain points and sidings but all entrances and exits to the normal DCC powered rails must be isolated with IRJs etc. 

A simple two wire RLM bus pair of wires can be used where the RLM section is considered to be long. The input to this bus pair of wires is from the RLMs output terminals and all rails that make up the loop can be feed from this bus pair, ensuring correct bus wire to rail polarity is maintained. This special bus pair must not connect to any part of the normally DCC fed railway.


Of course you dont have to use a RLM at all, but thats a totally diferent story!



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