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G & R Wrenn


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Picked up on another forum that G & R Wrenn will cease trading in October and will be disposing of their stocks of spares etc. after which no more will be available.


This is another sad loss from the world of model railways especially with their previous association with Tri-ang, and Hornby Dublo. Although the old Hornby Dublo (and subsequently Wrenn)  is today unable to compete in terms of scale and accuracy with modern Hornby or Bachmann the engineering and general robustness and longevity  of their products made them particularly attractive.


They will be missed.

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Toy fairs are the place to go 81F. 

The trouble is that if the body is in good condition the chassis will be!


However, I wonder just exactly what Wrenn were still making. The decorated wagon bodies I bought off their ebay shop were described as being left over from when they were in Basildon.

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 Hi all

Its the end of period six in Wrenn's history, for a long time the 3 Wrenn fans who brought the right to all new Wrenn have been using the original moulds and stocks of bits and pieces purchased from Dapol, (who brought Wrenn after George and Richard Wrenn shut the factory). Many of the the new trucks that were sold were only producded in small batches of about 30 using old stock or getting a few new bodies made to fit on finished chassis. Some of the latter they tried new colours of plastic which makes them collectors items

They also got some of the engine metal body moulds back in use and made a few air smothed and rebuilt Merchant Navy bodies and just started to do the 8Fs, no new motors and rolling chassis have been made for some time.

I hope that Maurice Gunter brings out Vol 4 to his great book of the story of Wrenn soon


The Wrenn Collectors Club Member 214 


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