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List of improvements

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seeing the thread here there are 48 pages of discussion and suggestions, is there a comporehensive list as I have a few suggestions to make, e.g. The ability to import and export the full table of cv values in a csv or xls format which would be useful  and easier than the current setup.  The ability to look at other pc windows rather than making Railmaster sit on the desktop taking the focus all the time, make the system more windows compliant by using windows standard practices, e.g. Using the mouse wheel to scroll etc.   these are just some suggestions as we want to encourage people to use this system we should be trying to work using windows techniques and being innovative to persuade others to use Railmaster .  

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I think Smithy a couple of folk have tried to put together such a listing but I suppose there are several factors getting in the way. At 48 forum pages long it is going to be quite a list to compile, maintain and display. I am no expert but I suspect that this forum is not versatile enough to allow such a listing that could be amended as time went on? Could be wrong though. The other side of the list is - if we wanted to know the status of the requested improvement, which seems obvious otherwise what's the point - there would need to be someone on the RM side to give a "status" to the various improvements, even if it's only "noted" or "not viable" etc. Having said that I think such a compliation is a good idea as I am sure some requests are being duplicated. R-

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The original thread 'Desirable Features' was started by me and I promised a few weeks ago that I would produce a consolidated list.  I have got to page 29 so far, so please don't start another completely different list, just keep on adding to the one we have already got, including the items you have put in this thread.  


The consolidation exercise is of course not made any easier by the fact that out of the 282 posts I have sifted through so far, only 81 actually contain a suggestion for a 'Desirable Feature'.

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I knew there was someone doing it RDS, just couldn't remember who - well done. Perhaps not as long a list as I imagined then? 81 pertinent comments out of 282 posts, quite a high "on topic' score I'd say. R-

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Those of you who read the forum regularly will know that we read all postings and note ALL suggestions.  We evaluate each one and in the vast majority of cases (easily over 90%) build them in as they clearly make sense.  Added to these are our own new functions and improvements to the software.  We also take into account all suggestions received by email and invariably build most of these in too.

At the end of the day, this software is built on the foundations of what railway modellers want to do not just what we think you want to do.  This is the only way we can make RailMaster the most desirable PC model railway control system out there.

There is plenty more to do and we continue to build new functionality, make things easier to do and of course resolve bugs.  A new release will be made available soon, not so much with new functionality but with the improvement of existing features and fixes to minor bugs reported.  This update has been delayed by the introduction of Windows 10 and the resulting bugs in the Microsoft serial port driver.  We are working on ways of getting around this and are confident in being able to provide a solution soon.  We will then resume finalising the updates to the next maintenance release of RailMaster (1.62) and make it available for automatic download.


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RDS, Would it be easier if I detailed the pertinent points / suggestions on a word document and emailed ...

Not really, I think you should just add your suggestions to the original 'Desirable features' thread.

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I knew there was someone doing it RDS, just couldn't remember who - well done. Perhaps not as long a list as I imagined then? 81 pertinent comments out of 282 posts, quite a high "on topic' score I'd say. R-

I am now up to page 33, 100 suggestions out of 327 posts.  


As John Lennon once said, 'It's getting better all the time'

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Thank you HRMS for taking time to add the above update.


We are grateful for everything you are doing, communication is so important, it encourages us and saves frustrations building among members. 


We are sure you will be glad to get any bugs out of the way and to be able to move forward again, we arewith you all the way on that. We look forward to the fixes and the further improvements to RM when available and of course LD when that is ready.


Thank you again for taking time to provide the above update.

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I knew there was someone doing it RDS, just couldn't remember who - well done. Perhaps not as long a list as I imagined then? 81 pertinent comments out of 282 posts, quite a high "on topic' score I'd say. R-

I am now up to page 33, 100 suggestions out of 327 posts.  


As John Lennon once said, 'It's getting better all the time'


Ermmm, and he has been dead for years. 


You are doing a great job, thank you.  ;o)

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