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Any sign of the New version?

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Fishy, starting to get people, so far , one. It is obvious a fix will come, but if you can roll back, while it does, why would you not. If you bothered to check your facts before typing you would have seen the time difference as Roger did.. I find this petty point scoring ludicrous. I just wanted PJ, to be able to continue his hobby. . WTD, at the time i posted no fixes were known, and nobody on the net had reported their problem solved..  Roger, thanks for your well made point. john

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At risk of sending us down a rabbit hole - Dell support assist (whatever that is - but it sounds medical) have just issued a BIOS update, which I have run. I have passed this info to HRMS and AC [with relevant code numbers] and will await instructions / advice / yet more support - ohhhh errr! R-

Hi Roger

I haven't as yet received any info re email from your good self. Could you let me know how you sent it and to what address... just a clue to the address is fine... no need to type full one.

It seems the form I have online is causing too many problems so a new form will be posted up there up very shortly.

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I have both an eLink and Elite and they have both been doing an impression of a brick since i upgraded to windows 10 on day one. I was given a fix yesterday by support and am happy to say that the eLink is now fully functional and indeed connects first time every time which is something it did not do before. The Elite whilst now trying to connect is still not there but is at least showing signs of life.

Great news if that worked. The fix I received gave the 'Controller Active' notification on the controller icon but I had no control over engines, signals etc whether reading CV's or running loco's.

So it is now down to whether or not you got a later fix than I and others or whether it worked for you and not others. Time will tell.

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All  appears to be getting better AC.  Contact was made today between Windows 10/Railmaster/E-link ( not had chance to check Elite Yet but that was working ).

Must thank Hornby for all there hard work ( and others)  in trying to resolve this problem. A little time to wait and all being well things may well be out in the public domain for all.

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My PC, laptop and 7" Linx tablet all had Windows 8.1 pre-installed and have al been updated to Windows 10, where will I find my producy key? So that I can record it.

Thank you


This gets a little complicated with some users and I will explain below how licensing works with Windows 10...


If you upgrade from relevant Windows versions 7, 8 and 8.1 you don't get allocated a license key as such. You are in its place given an 'entitlement' to run Windows 10. In that sense your previous OS still, in effect, holds the license for your machine and its OS.

If you purchase Windows 10 you are given a license key in one of three ways:

1. via a vendor (authorised reseller)

2. digital download from Microsoft

3. preinstalled OS on a new purchase of a laptop or PC

A seperate way is to achieve an upgrade through Software Assurance which is open to registered charities in the UK and in this case you will receive a license key.

In the case of an upgrade you will only have one year to install the OS from the 29th July for free. You can upgrade and downgrade as many times as you like within that year. Once the year is up you will have to purchase a version of Windows 10 as the activation window will be closed to upgrades.


One of the reasons you are not given the license key is that you can downgrade to the previous OS at will. If everyone did that and had a key they could use it for all kinds of different reasons. The first example of keys not being on stickers on the base of laptops etc was Windows 8 when the key was BIOS locked to stop the same keys being misused. Windows 10 keys are also BIOS locked.

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So you can upgrade and downgrade as many times as you like in the year set by MS but, after that date if you have upgraded to W10 that is your system, if you have downgraded to 8.1 that is your system.


I am hoping because W10 has been trouble free with ALL my other software for 3 weeks plus, that when I get to reconnect RM it should also be trouble free. This would be a test for RM as everything else in my PC works fine with W10 and I have had no issues.


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PJ, i dont think thats quite right, although i will bow to AC, if he knows better. My understanding is that once you have upgraded to windows 10, you get a month, during which time windows 8 stays on your machine. After i month, if you are happy, windows 8, automatically deletes. It may well be that you can stop that. No doubt AC, will advise, but it takes up a bit of space. Over to you, AC. john

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PJ, i dont think thats quite right, although i will bow to AC, if he knows better. My understanding is that once you have upgraded to windows 10, you get a month, during which time windows 8 stays on your machine. After i month, if you are happy, windows 8, automatically deletes. It may well be that you can stop that. No doubt AC, will advise, but it takes up a bit of space. Over to you, AC. john


Interesting comment John


We wait for AC to confirm this for us. I could be if I look at my dates I am probably close to a month aleady but, I cannot get anyone to put my layout down again for at least another week. Frustrating.

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I have now correctly downloaded the latest version of 1.62 beta having previously followed HRMS insturctions to set new elink software and additional line to ini file.. I can confirm that RM loads and works under W10. There is a however. It takes many minutes to load pausing for several seconds at various points. Last time took 5 minutes. I have reported to HRMS so hopefully they can sort this out. In the meantime I shall put up with the long load time. I have copied this to other W10 posts.

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The situation for all who need to know with Windows 10 where the one month offer comes in is thus:

Once installed the time starts ticking down for that month of your trial. Once the month is up you can longer roll back to your previous version of Windows through the rollback feature. This rollback is very fast and takes a few minutes only dependant on your machine. This feature is automatically turned off and is irreversible.

For you to get back to your previous Windows version after a month and loss of the tiral period you should use the recovery partition on your hard drive (see your manuals) or recovery disks you should have made upon buying and after completing the last part of the setup process on that new machine. Windows 10 will NOT overwrite the recovery partition on any hard drive after an upgrade. From a fresh and clean install of W10 the difference is that you need a license key and it will format the drive thus a recovery partition could be lost depending on the choice you make during setup in the initial stages after the software asks on what partition to install the OS.

Of course, with a recovery disk and recovery from the partition you can do a clean install to take the machine back to factory status (losing all programs and data saved or stored) OR you can do an install where all data is preserved although programs will probably need reinstalling. Data is normally only kept in your default Documents, Downloads, Favourites and Music directories etc. so if you have critical files or folders back them up first to an external drive.

So, if you rollback with RM installed you DO NOT need to deregister RM for the rollback and RM to work. To be on the safe side it is of course your choice to deregister. I have managed this a few times without the step to deregister. Please do not blame me though if your copy does not work after rollback!!!!

I have to show caution where other users are concerned for obvious reasons as their machines will behave differently to mine and yours differently to others becuase of the architecture of said machines. Having said that there is a standard way of doing most things on Windows.

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Good to hear. Perhaps that will finally satisfy those who upgraded to Windows 10 on their RM machines when they should perhaps have waited patiently for a while, like I did, for example, as initially advised by Hornby. If 1.62 is working well, please don't forget to thank Hornby and give them a bit of praise for a change.


I might just risk upgrading mine now, and then installing RM 1.62.

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Graskie, If I was you, unless you have an overiding reason not to do so, I would wait until say November before upgrading to Win10, but I'd upgrade to RailMaster 1.62 now because it works on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 (and presumably XP, Vista & Windows 8).

Microsoft are still releasing weekly fixes to Windows 10 and though I have Windows 10 on my laptop, that's because I'm a software engineer and needed it. The benefit of that was it allowed me to load RailMaster onto my laptop and do some beta testing to help HRMS in their quest to sort out the Windows 10 problems. My dedicated RailMaster PC, the one I use to normally run my layout, has Windows 7 and it won't be upgraded it to Windows 10 until early next year. It is running RailMaster 1.62 without any problems showing up (so far)

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RM 1.62. Have just downloaded and installed on windows 7. Agree, it works ok, but is incredible slow to load, compared with previous version. You could make a cup of tea, while you wait. I have changed nothing on my machine. Would be interested to see what others think. john

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My W10 laptop works a treat. If they're updating it that's fine by me, I seemed to get countless updates with XP, Vista, 7 and 8 so what's the difference. Just because RM didn't work with W10 people seem to think it was the end of the world and W10 was a failure. Guess what, when Microsoft 'invented' W10 I bet RM wasn't high on their list of priorities.


My laptop is much faster and is greatly improved. 

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