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Any sign of the New version?

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.Can someone explain to me what version 1.62 is for.

My layout Windows 7 computer is working perfectly with 1.61, so I'm leaving it alone for now.

My laptop worked well on Windows 7 and 10 with the Elite. I decided to download 1.62 on it to see what happens.

The format is the old reddish tortoise and hare version, and I cannot get it to communicate with my Elite.

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RailMaster 1.62 is compatible with all versions of windows (I run it on both Win7 and Win10). 

It fixes (works around) the serial port problem that stopped v1.61 from running under Win10 for some people. It also fixes a few bugs and add some locos and decoders to its database. All fixes can be found in the Release notes.txt file in the RailMaster directory

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Currently, it doesn't matter whether you get it from RM asking to download the latest on opening or get it from the forum link.  However, if you have already downloaded the latest  v1.62 and a revision to it is released, that won't ask to download and you have to get it via the link.  The link was first out there so people could ensure they have the latest revision.

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William, where are you downloading it from. If you take it from link at top of the forum, it is up to date. john

I am using the link above.

After downloading and updating to 1.61 on the laptop, I downloaded 1.62 again, and it worked correctly.

I downloaded it on my 10,1" tablet, and that went well.

I then downloaded it to my HP Slate 2 using the download on the 10.1" tablet, via a USB stick (I have an internet explorer warning screen issue).

It acts like 1.62, but has the old tortoise and hare screen. Quite pretty really. 


It is really weird.


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William, where are you downloading it from. If you take it from link at top of the forum, it is up to date. john

I am using the link above.

After downloading and updating to 1.61 on the laptop, I downloaded 1.62 again, and it worked correctly.

I downloaded it on my 10,1" tablet, and that went well.

I then downloaded it to my HP Slate 2 using the download on the 10.1" tablet, via a USB stick (I have an internet explorer warning screen issue).

It acts like 1.62, but has the old tortoise and hare screen. Quite pretty really. 


It is really weird.


Did that pc have an older version of RM on it before you downloaded 1.62? If so, it may have remembered the "Classic" settings in use on that version.

By the way, do you own 2 copies of RM, or are you deactivating the first pc before installing on the second one? Or is the second one in evaluation mode - maybe this is why you get the Classic colours & tortoise & hare


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From LMSTim in 2011.

Yes, I just got this. It's an automatic update.In the release notes it tells you how to change the tortoise and hare buttons if you don't like them. Just add the line "Classic Buttons=1" to the railmaster.ini file and save it.I prefer them.Makes them stand out when controlling lots of locos like I do.

Seems, as is usual, this has come up before.

Haven't got a clue where the 'railmaster.ini.file' is.

Can anyone tell me?

Mind you, I think I might leave it for the reasons he says.

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Did that pc have an older version of RM on it before you downloaded 1.62? If so, it may have remembered the "Classic" settings in use on that version.

By the way, do you own 2 copies of RM, or are you deactivating the first pc before installing on the second one? Or is the second one in evaluation mode - maybe this is why you get the Classic colours & tortoise & hare



I have one Activation code, and have swapped it about to no avail.

However, the more I use it, the more I think the metal scheme was a bad idea. 

The old style is so much easier to see. I think I'll keep it. 

I found the 'ini' file, but it won't let me change it.

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Good question WD, I have been wondering this myself. Before anybody comes back to tell me, I know full well that I can download 1.62 from this site and update manually. My preference is however to wait for HRMS to initiate the auto-update process when RM starts up. I am currently running 1.61 V1 (not V2) on W8.1, but have not as yet been offered the auto-update to 1.62 when firing up RM.


I only post this here, hoping that HRMS will see this post and make a comment as to why the 1.62 version has not yet been configured for the auto-update process?


Can anyone else confirm whether their 1.62 version was done via the start-up auto update process? I would assume that a nil response to that question would indicate that all current 1.62 versions were updated manually via download from this site.

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I guessed that was probably the case, nice to know that it is not due to a configuration error on MY particular RM installation. Will just wait patiently for auto-update to trigger at some future point in time. I don't think there is any new additions in 1.62 that I am particularly needing at this time.

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NIC  C, and GREG, Timings. From clicking on RM, 22 secs to Version, 1.62.  , from clicking again to please wait 55 secs. From please wait, till points all set , ready to play, 45 secs. so total 1minute 22 secs from  commencement. Dont have problem with up to version , 1.62, but its definately longer after that. What happens in those 55 secs,  then what again in next 45, secs. Without a doubt, slower than  1.61. however, i do not have the elink, only Elite.  This is not a critiscism, as i can run the Elite, while waiting, just an observation.  This is on same laptop, with all details as before. Green Elite symbol, fine, no other messages. In the original 22 secs, i have to click to allow for Norton, but i did that also, before.  I am quite happy with RM, only post these timings as requested. Be interesting, to compare. RAY, this is with NO internet, connected.and using Windows 7. john

Hi John,

Sorry for not reporting my startup timings as promised. However, a good way of seeing what's going on during the startup, is to read through the file LOG.TXT which records each RM session. On reading mine, I find that it takes 29 seconds from RM starting to the beginning of setting the points. It takes 36 seconds to set my points, then < 1 second to set all my signals, then about 4 seconds after that, the system is ready to go. What I would suggest is this....

Start a new Railmaster session, then don't do anything for, say, 5 minutes, then simply close it down.

Have a look at the log.txt file immediately after it has closed down and you will be able to see what went on during the session. A few of the entries are technical, and I think only understandable by HRMS, but most of the entries should give you an idea of what's going on.


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I have done exactly this. And checking the log I can see all the big pauses. Have passed I do to HRMS.I have done this  several times and on different days. The pause are 90% of the time the same part of the programme and usually about the same length.



Hi Greg,

What are the messages on each side of the big pauses?


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Hi Ray

Here are t examples of long pauses:

0:21 Licence passes M/C check

0:57 IP:


1.19 Set metal theme botton bar element position

1.59 Main screen left position was -50 so resetting to zero


I am now going to try uninstalling and reinstalling RM following deactivation etc.

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Hi Ray

Here are t examples of long pauses:

0:21 Licence passes M/C check

0:57 IP:


1.19 Set metal theme botton bar element position

1.59 Main screen left position was -50 so resetting to zero


I am now going to try uninstalling and reinstalling RM following deactivation etc.

In my file:-

12/09/15 15:36:17 License passes M/C check

12/09/15 15:36:21 IP:

12/09/15 15:36:21 Updating resource fields

12/09/15 15:36:22 Screen resolution: 96/96

12/09/15 15:36:22 Testing for installed system languages

12/09/15 15:36:22 Main screen top position was: 0 so resetting to zero




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Strange problem.

I transferred my Activation Key to my 10.1" tablet (Win 10) I entered all of my locos (about 25 and very tedious)

Next day, on starting up, it took forever to load. I tried it again a number of times, and it still took an age.

I deactivated it and then it started up very quickly.

Can the quantity of locos affect the loading time?

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