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Function Window

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I not sure of its name, but when you double click the Railmaster logo a table appears which allows you to select loco, sound, etc.

Thsi is a great way of selecting the loco you wish to conttol ( similat to the handheld operation)

This works great on my laptop, but the HP Slate 2 tablet I use will not bring the table up. Everthing else works fine.

Has anyone any idea why it doesn't?

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Hi WD - I believe you are referring to the "Floating Programme Bar". I have used it to move around the track plan and set routes. I didn't realise you could have loco throttles etc. set-up on it. Really must read more. R-

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I didn't even know you could do that!! However, when I tested it on my own 10 inch laptop and 8 inch (both Win8.1) tablet both systems showed the table you are talking about.

Resolution issues are unlikely to play a part in the non display here though, although it is not unheard of. Set the resolution in the tablet to the recomended one if not already set there as this MAY have an effect.

Is your system set to block popups via an AV product for example or even Windows itself may block them but again unlikely.

Another thing to look out for is the chance that the popup is actually there but hidden behind the main window (RM itself)?

Are you using v1.61 r2 of RM which is the latest version? If not upgrade to that as this may be a bug in an earlier version... though I have not seen it before so cannot say it was or was not.

Check those and come back if further help is required.

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I've just downloaded Railmaster to my 10.1" tablet, which I have just upgraded to Windows10 from 8.1.

This works fine with that function.

My Laptop on Windows 7 and now 10 works fine.

Just the one I want to use doesn't.That's life, I suppose.

I looked under the control screen, but it wasn't hiding.

The reason I mentioned screen resolution is, on start up, a message appears saying the tablet doesn't have the minimum screen resolution requirement which could affect the display. It doesn't seem to, unless this is it.

Not a disaster, but it is the best way of selecting a loco available.

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