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  1. Anyone seen any update on this, ETA of the update to fix - I have same issue on new phone
  2. Yes on Notice also the Elite/Select option buttons which control how certain Functions are controlled. More info if required I think I maybe misunderstanding - is there an option to import a function Map onto a Legacy Engine to control sound, etc..
  3. Yes me also ... I am able to add Legacy Locos control basic functions BUT not clear how I add the Sound Functions, etc. I have used the Hornby Guidance ... But am not seeing my Legacy Engines in Decoder Selection Step... or your step above! Confused!
  4. Apologies I am stuck on the Step • Plug in the HM7040 / 'Temp' loco. Not sure what is meant by "Plug In"... When in the Profile do you Mean Decoder Selection, if I try this I do not see my Temp Loco with the HM7040 attached... Any further guidance would be appreciated!
  5. Apologies my phone was lost and replaced. I have 3 locos and 1 accessory I need to re add to me new phone. Where do I get needed decoder reset codes from?
  6. Anyone have any update on Android app release date?
  7. Out of interest what are the advanced features?
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