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Posts posted by hedley_reynolds

  1. Hi  

        I have been away from the forum for a couple of years and I was looking through all of the post that I had missed since my last visit.

       I had found this one as I had noticed in the new Railmaster pdf and it mentioned that the Select controller would be able to connect to the computer and Railmaster via a select-a-link cable and I noticed that Chris said that the cable had been withdrawn from the range, however I have been looking through Hattons website tonight and they are advertising it for a pre-order item and I was wondering if Hornby has changed it's mind again for to manufacture it ?


  2. Hi Chris and fishmanoz I'm very sorry for using the arrow and blue box, I'm very new not only to dcc and railmaster but also to forums in general and I had thought that it was like the reply button  on emails and that's why I had used it.

    However as I had said that I would like to thank everyone who had replied to my question regarding Windows 10 and also the reason I had went back to square one was that it was a new computer purchased for to use railmaster with my layout, and the computer had not only Norton av and fw but also McAfee security as well so when I had reset my computer I had uninstalled both software from the hard drive before I had installed the railmaster and relied totally on Windows defender for the security as I only intend to use this computer on my layout with railmaster.

    Thanks very much again to everyone


  3. Since very early days of W10 when there was a driver problem, there hasn't been an issue with running RM on W10.  There have been a number of initial setup issues from W8 on that mean you have to do more to get it operating correctly.  You've just solved the first of these, which has ever been present, and that is identifying the correct com port, won't work on any Windows if you don't do that.  You don't seem to have described updating the driver by searching for an updated one in Device Manger, that is the next step, but as you say it's working you probably have.


    Youve also now avoided AV blocking which stumps quite a few, many of whom think they have fixed it when they haven't.  This one has been getting more difficult as AV products have been getting more aggressive, read Norton and McAfee here.  This also gives the appearance of there being later Windows problems when it's not to blame at all.


    There is then a final step for ongoing reliability, getting the correct lines in your ini file.  This is also covered in multiple threads with Chris providing the definitive detail.  If you haven't seen and followed one of those, go to the second top locked thread at the top of this RM forum, Setting Up and Getting Started and go to the last post, originally from HRMS where they cover it.


    hi fishmanoz I'm very grateful for your advice but when I asked the original question I had a few days off looking at the forum and I was in a sense pulling my hair out so I had reverted back to square one as I'm very new to everything dcc and model railways in general so after I had done everything from the beginning I had no problems setting up everything and I'm now up and running with the update in place but I'm slowly doing things one by one as my layout is still in the development stage and I have just finished the setting up the point motors and the decoders with my track plan and railmaster 

    thanks very much again for your help and advice and also everyone involved 



  4. Hi all, thanks very much for your help regarding the activation of railmaster however I had tried always for to disablel the firewalls etc so I had ended up taking my computer back to square one and the factory settings and starting afresh with windows defender, but as I was waiting for it to finish the set up I had noticed something that I had missed as well which was that my router could have it's own firewall settings as well as the antivirus software and that's where my problem was and not the antivirus as far as I know as I had mc affee installed which had gave me a run around as well for trying to allow the railmaster access 

    so thanks very much again for all of your help 


  5. Hi has anyone any idea how to activate on Windows 10 it keeps on saying that my activation key is incorrect and to run as administrator which I have done but I still get the same message it also says for to add it as administrator for the internet security as well and I have done that as well but it still won't let me activate the software

    I would be very grateful if anyone can point me in the right direction



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