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Everything posted by rpjallan

  1. A member of our club has a layout called Porthminster, which we will be showing at the Adelaide Model Railway Exhibition in early June. If you search for Porthminster on YouTube there are a few videos of it. Anyway, being an exhibition layout, it needs good lighting & he has just upgraded it with LED tubes which look similar to flouro tubes. I'll try to find out some more details & post them here. If you could give an idea of your budget it would be easier to give advice on cameras. Having said that, modern phones can do a pretty good job especially if you use an app that gives you more control over the settings.
  2. I like the Colonel Bogey idea, not that I have many diesels. There's a good video on YouTube of the Royal Marines playing it marching through (from memory) Glasgow. I am, as we speak, doing some experiments with programming in Railmaster. I'm pretty sure you can play your own sounds through there somehow...
  3. Thanks Brush 47. That's very handy to know. I haven't fitted a decoder to it yet but I have one ready to go.
  4. Hi Everyone. Can anyone confirm for me whether or not the Class 71 has working cab lights? Thanks in advance...
  5. I get that. If you have a DCC layout that is operated by computer then having random switches to operate other stuff is a pain IMO...
  6. Has anyone suggested making sure any capacitors have been removed from the motor?
  7. I can now confirm that all the cables he is using are the genuine Hornby ones…
  8. The cables to run multiple Selects from an Elite...
  9. Keep in mind that most iOS apps can run on the new Apple silicon based computers as they use the same architecture. I have about 6 apps installed on my Mac mini. Also, in the coming weeks I intend to install the ARM version of Windows 11 on my Mac mini to see if it will run Railmaster.
  10. I didn't see any splitter cables because they were hidden away behind a panel but I reckon he made them himself.
  11. If I was you, in your situation I would be going down the HM7000 route and if that meets your needs then no need to go any further. None of us really know yet how the HM7000 system will be expanded over time as the basics aren't even available yet. If in time you find it limiting for some reason, you can look what is available to meet your needs.
  12. I don't know about Loksound but the new Zimo decoders have very high fidelity sound. Other than that, I think we'll have to wait until we have the new Hornby decoders in our hot little hands.
  13. A member of my club, whose layout we visited last weekend, has 6 Selects plugged into his Elite & all working extremely well.
  14. Generally, in a lot of coaches of that era, the first class seats are of a blue colour while thirds were more of a red colour. If you looked at the photos linked to above you can see there are a lot of variations on this. However, I doubt if any of these are using the original fabric. I think a mistake a lot of people make when painting coach interiors is using colours that are way too dark or too bright.
  15. Someone I know just bought a Bachmann NRM edition (which is a beautiful model - I have one) in pristine condition on eBay for A$211.50. Bargain...
  16. Just hardwire the decoder. The It's quite easy. The sockets are more trouble than they are worth.
  17. That's what I thought but he definitely said it & the other guy there didn't correct him...
  18. I have only just watched this because I thought it only involved TT stuff. I didn't watch it over again but where they are discussing HM7000 I could swear Simon said that the dongle is two way & you could control Bluetooth decoders from the Elite. Did anyone else notice that. I'll have to look at it again when I get a chance.
  19. I have a few of these to operate signals also. They are getting pretty old now so some sort of internal short would by my guess as well.
  20. I see the new Hornby DP1 Deltic Prototype has already been listed as unavailable on the website!
  21. Where can I see this live Q&A session?
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