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Everything posted by rpjallan

  1. So, it's been a week & only one reply. Virtually no interest at all so I'll find something else to do with my spare time...
  2. Has it got capacitors on the motor? If it has, remove them & see if that makes a difference.
  3. Can you elaborate a bit? What controller are you using with Railmaster? What decoders are you using etc?
  4. Hi Everyone. I am trying to gauge some interest into regular YouTube videos on RailMaster. If you search for RailMaster on YouTube, apart from some really old stuff, there is only one individual doing any regularly and I think they are pretty ordinary. I have nothing against the guy - I subscribe to his channel & occasionally he covers a bit of interesting stuff but the quality of his videos is terrible which, I think, often makes them very hard to watch. Often you can't even see what he's doing or talking about. Anyway, I would make a numbered series of videos starting right from the beginning - the basics of setting up RailMaster & going on from there. Including using other manufacturers products with it & maybe occasionally branching out into some more general DCC stuff. If you look at this Hornby RailMaster forum it is often many days between posts. I don't think any of us really know where Hornby is going with their DCC stuff. So I just want to see if there is any interest before I invest the time, effort & probably also cost to do this. Thanks in advance & I look forward to all your replies.
  5. What ever happened to the Sapphire decoder? Was it not a success? Or did it just go the way of some of Hornby's other DCC hardware?
  6. Unless you are particularly set on this plan, I would have a look at some other track plans or play with some layout software. I think you could better utilise your space. I know what it's like - I don't have enough room for my main layout at the moment & I've been trying to plan an L shape shelf layout in the mean time...
  7. There has to be some kind of high resistance in a connection somewhere. Just because all the track and fishplates were new when it was laid doesn't mean a bit of corrosion or something hasn't crept in somewhere. How are your wires from your controller connected to the track?
  8. It may still be a TTS decoder. TTS Mk II?!? Doesn't TTS just stand for twin track sound?
  9. They may completely change the entire setup!
  10. I agree with ModelerXYZ regarding fishplates. Sounds to me like poor connections. Do you only have one connection from your controller to your track?
  11. Won’t the steam generator part be required in the decoder? I doubt they would make them available to retrofit. I don’t know if they would be thinking of a 21 pin TTS decoder. I doubt it because if they were I think they would have announced it.
  12. I know some people, mainly with diesel & electric locos of course, who just get rid of the PCBs & hardwire the decoders straight up. In a DCC loco there is really no need for a PCB. If you look at any of the guides relating to fitting sound into locos with a lack of space, the PCB is the first thing to go.
  13. You wouldn't be able to share that with us by any chance, would you?
  14. It seems that some people have had a problem with tracks in the PCB on these models burning out. Some have removed the PCB altogether and hardwired the decoder including the lighting functions. I have one of these but it hasn't been run a lot & I haven't fitted a decoder yet.
  15. I am using a very small surface mount bridge rectifier & a small buck board so I can regulate the voltage for different applications (or different voltage LEDs). And of course a capacitor as well...
  16. That's a good idea. I might do that. I have to confess, I didn't take much notice of the bogies. Just one more thing - does anyone know about the spotlights on the side of these mail coaches?
  17. You can back these up from your old computer easily using chrissaf's script. It's a good idea, going forward, to keep these backed up, especially as you are using a new computer with a new operating system.
  18. That's very handy info to take note of...
  19. Have you checked that all the pickups are contacting the wheels all the time?
  20. I have one of these. I run it with the Hornby Period III Stanier LMS coaches. I have mine apart at the moment. I'm going to replace the roof vents, replace the couplings & maybe put some lights in it.
  21. I always thought the Select was meant to compete with the cheap Bachmann DCC controller at the time...
  22. I was born in Sydney but I've been here over 30 years now. I was at the Adelaide Model Railway Show. I was operating the BRMA layout Wellingford and Bakewell Bridge which won both the Best In Show awards. I have to say, I do enjoy some of the more country/outback SA layouts though...
  23. Can you please paste this into a new Topic. Thanks. Mod note - I could but it would appear as if I had posted it, so your best bet to retain it under your user is to copy the text and paste into a new post raised yourself then come back and delete this discussion from the three dot context menu.
  24. Once you get an Elite you wonder why you ever bothered with a Select... I heard someone recently (can't remember where) saying they were having problems with JRMI (not Hornby related) and someone replied saying a lot of the code is not very good which causes problems & they would never use it!
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