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  1. Per the last post, all three of the locos I have configured so far have the same DCC ID of 3 which is not an issue under App control where all 3 can still be controlled independently.
  2. Ok, I've just exited Railmaster and power cycled my eLink controller. Without starting up Railmaster, my loco is running now fine under App control. I've started up Railmaster and re-tested App control - working fine again. I've switched to DCC control in the App and yes, I can now control the loco from the Railmaster software including the sound. So it's all good. I can only assume that my eLink/Railmaster was in a state that was causing the original problem and the power cycling has cleared that. Thanks to all who responded and took some time on this.
  3. Just to confirm it's the correct App - branded HM7000. I'm attempting to use Bluetooth control on a DCC circuit and CV12 is set to 2 as per the documentation and as set in the App. I've used the App to attempt to switch to DCC mode but even in that mode the loco continues to "pulse" forward with no ability to control under DCC either.
  4. My Loco has an 8-pin TXS decoder installed which is configured in the App. The decoder firmware is at the latest level and all health indicators are green. On my DC circuit with the power set to max, everything is working fine - loco control, functions and sound. When placed on my DCC circuit (eLink + Railmaster), the motor on my loco is "pulsing" with a gradual uncontrolled movement over the track. This happens all of the time - except when the decoder is updating it's firmware/profile. CV12 is set to 2 and control is set to Bluetooth in the App. Sound function only appears to work once - when you turn off the sound it doesn't come back on. I have no loco control at all. I have repeated the same with a different loco and another TXS decoder. Loco/decoder have been power cycled multiple times - same behaviour Have changed the DCC address - still the same behaviour Switching in the App to DCC control, the behaviour is the same and I have no control under DCC. Switching in the App back to BLE control, no different, the App is unable to control the loco. So right now the only mode that works is on DC circuit under BLE control. All functions incl. sound appear to be working in this mode. Just to confirm that The App is branded HM7000 - it's the correct App. Running out of ideas here.
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