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  1. Hi all. Thanks for the info will have a think and look into what to do next. 65mike.
  2. Hi all. Thanks for the welcome Bee. I want a oval yes straight then round then straight then round probably boring but points will help and sidings too. 65mike
  3. Hi all. OO gauge have seen a 18inch wide board with curves but looking like he is using flexi track. Not my favourite but will have a look into it. 65mike
  4. Hi all. Now I have a large layout in my loft and I have a 6 foot x 2 foot board going spare so I thought I would build a small railway something to get the old grey matter working again. Now no problem with small engines I have 060 tanks and small wagons so not a problem there either. Now can any off the forum members advise that size cures will fit the board I have used large radius on loft railway for my 462 locos but need to build smaller layout. Any advise would be much appreciated. Thanks. 65mike
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