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Big Alan

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Posts posted by Big Alan

  1. Are they one of the same, or do you need to join both.

    I ask because I have received an email whereby, I should be able to get a discount on a purchase, but the discounted price does not show, even though I am a member of the TT Club, it just shows a link to become a member for £30.

    I thought that I was already a member.

  2. I'd like to see a complete scaled down duplicate of the OO track, including a level crossing which seems to be missing at present.

    It's OK buying Sets and Track Packs but when you get into setting up a brand-new layout you need all the extras before you start, otherwise apart from having a smaller gauge, you might just as well stick with OO

    My OO layout is 5m x 4m and about 1m width on all sides, imagine how much more I could run if I replaced my OO with TT.

    Or run the same but using a smaller area.

  3. Bulleidboy, I have taken the following from Sharge's Website:

    Our track cleaning product is 71% Isopropanol and NOT pure Isopropanol. The use of pure 99.9% Iso could damage the paintwork on the Track Cleaner.I have the 99.9% stuff and will just water it down and see how it goes.

  4. Why did Hornby replace some of their Track Part Numbers?

    I think R600, R601, R603 have remained the same thoughout, yet R632 a 'Y' Point is now R8076 and I think that their are a few others.

    If the original number was a steel rail and the new number is Nickel Silver why not keep the old number with the addition of 'NS' after, as in, R632NS.

    I was looking at some plans in the 6th Edition of Track Plans and all these odd numbers have popped up, hence the question.

    And while I'm on it, whats the difference between R612 & R8072, R613 & R8073, all 168mm turnouts?

  5. Thanks Chris, I'll order one.I did notice on their website that they tell you not to use 99% Isopropyl as it may damage the paintwork on the wagon. They offer their own Isopropyl which is 71%, so for those not in the know and have like me 99% Isopropyl, you can dilute Isopropyl with water to get it down to 71% : 29% What strenght are you using Chris?

  6. How about running an axle over the joint to see if it lifts.If so, take a sharp impliment and cut away the ballast from the inside edge, the 4 foot.I don't know what the 4 foot should be called scaled down to OO. Just quickly worked that out, I think it would be called the 18mm


  7.  Thanks Chris for your reply, sorry for originally posting it under DCC, I must have had my specs on inside out.Well your reply fully explains it all, I've found a retailer with stock at £55 so I've just purchased that.I already have an Elite Controller.Hornby's 'Sorry' message doesn't explain the situation like you have, as an old customer coming back, I wouldn't know if that message was put up last week, last month or yesterday. They could have dated it.Or better still, explain the situation like you have.

  8.  Thank you all for your replies.All my track looks fairly modern so I think the track with a slight brass look is nickel silver.I have over 150 Hornby points, crossing etc averaging at about £10 each so I don't think I'll be changing it to Pecco in a hurry. I think that I read about Pecco track on here years ago but by then it was too late as I had areadty invested a small fortune on Hornby track.The layout will be 3.6m square with a area cut out in the middle measuring 2m x 1.52m I also have 2 Velux lights in the roof so heat in the summer shouldn't be a problem.

  9. I am just about to re-build a layout having had most of it boxed for 6 years.

    I seem to have 3 different types of rail.

    One looks a bit like brass, although I know it is not, and seems to be clean, I then have two others, both magnetic, so some form of steel, one is discoloured with bits of rust, the other seems to be bright and OK. 

    So what track is the best?

    I am going to rebuild the layout in the loft which is completely dry, heated, lined and no draughts, so there will not be and damp problems.

    I just need to sort out which track to keep and which track needs to go.

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