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  1. Hi I have been constructing Pocher models now for about 10years having discovered them by accident on eBay. I have built the Mercedes 540k., the Rolls Royce Sedanica, the Lamborghini Aventador. The Lamborghini Huracan and the Pocher master piece Ducati Pannegale, All these kits have benefited from additional detailing in the form of 3d cad printing including wiring plugs sockets etc, Lighting bodywork enhancements and in the case of the Pannegale, I 3d printed a rider which can be seen below. Videos of my work can be seen on UTube by following the links https://youtu.be/tI3HZdKSGaQ https://youtu.be/EAfAv5CuD1c https://youtu.be/eVF4SDr-pRw https://youtu.be/gHE_qaXHMdU https://youtu.be/6QfEoZP8pqk I enjoy building the Pocher models because the large scale enables the super detailing shown in the videos to be accommodated, but I also enjoy the associated research and CAD work the additions require. Pochers are simply the best, having also built LeGrand and IXO models which although good are not as good in my opinion as the build experience of the Pochers, being more simplistic and not as challenging as the Pocher models.
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