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  1. Right I’ve just received the Amazon one and I’ve tested it by connecting it to a 9v battery then bringing the thick red and black wires together producing a spark between them, so I assume it’s working. i can confirm that the measurements on Amazon are wrong, it measures 124mm long (including lugs) x 30mm high x 24mm wide, so I think it would fit inside the original 40mm pipe Instructions.
  2. Oh right, must be something to do with trying to open it on my iPad then, as this doesn’t work, I’ll go and try it on my laptop 😎
  3. Good info there! thanks for your help, if possible could you re-enable your construction pdf, as the link doesn’t seem to be working now. ive ordered the one from Amazon, I know it’s a bit more expensive but I do get next day delivery at the moment and I can always return it easily if it doesn’t work. Looking forward to this project 😎
  4. Thanks for the help Chris, so is this similar to your first link? And would you be able to power these from a 12v dc supply to save buying batteries? https://www.amazon.co.uk/HALJIA-High-Voltage-Electrostatic-Generator-Negative/dp/B076HH3FX1/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=Negative+ION+Generator&qid=1555335846&s=gateway&sr=8-8
  5. Hi everyone, Could I use things like this to make a static grass applicator, to save ordering from Australia? https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07D28LPPT/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A3MWTOW3Y5FBF1&psc=1 Any help is is greatly appreciated... Ade
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