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Everything posted by ColinB

  1. You need to raise a technical request to Hornby (as it says customer support), this forum is not really the place, they need to know. This feature is new and very few people are using it. I can think of a few issues that could cause it (I used to write reprogramming applications for automotive modules), so Hornby need to know before they release the Android app and get swamped with a substantial amount of new users.
  2. I suppose the only other question to ask is how long did it take to program and did the phone have any updates while you were doing it (something like an internet mail message). I assume the phone didn't go to sleep during the reprogram.
  3. I have to admit I know nothing about what it looked like, Hornby spent a lot of time and effort on it (for once I believe the program), so I assume that they did the best available with the data available. It is a completely new casting (it is diecast) so I doubt they copied other models, they obviously thought that their data was correct. I assume like the cars I worked on, all through their lives there are subtle changes, so perhaps there was with this loco. I honestly don't know. Seeing as Simon is paranoid about RMWeb reviews I have difficulty understanding that they would get it wrong especially as the designer was looking at black and white photos.
  4. Well this one was featured on the Hornby program. It did show the designer looking up the details etc, so I would have assumed he got it right. I think the chassis was derived off the Princess class.
  5. I would doubt it, I remember on my one I have change the wireless settings on the PC to communicate with DR5000 so it stopped working on the web. I was going to look into adding a second wireless channel. Now you could get a bluetooth dongle for your PC, if it doesn't have bluetooth (none of mine do) but I doubt if any of the Hornby software would work, or was it you wanted it to work with the wifi on your phone while you are running the DR5000. I am not an expert on this so that is my best logical guess. Why don't you ask Digikeijs they are quite knowledgeable guys and usually always answer questions. I am sure you could also probably ask Hornby.
  6. Whilst we are deviating off the subject, LT&SR_NSR it is not really an issue for me because I am used to the fact that the submit function causes issues I just press the button and I generally wait, I think on Sunday it was about 2 minutes. What I do take offence at is the fact that a certain member tells members to delete their multiple posts when they obviously cannot. It not only puts off new members and really is not necessary. As i said I only wanted to understand the issue so I could try to fix it. So basically stop the member issuing the posts as we know that certain users probably cannot delete them. So yes it works for you congratulations, but I know it doesn't work for me and many others. Perhaps we should close this thread before I get yet more warning messages. The thread about orders does exist, user couldn't find their orders, I remember posting to it you need to dig a bit deeper. Not my problem.
  7. The reason I asked was because Fishmanoz frequently puts up posts asking the user that raised the post to delete the extra ones. I know I have had it on a couple of occasions, and I have seen it happen when a new member accidentally does it multiple times. So yes it may not be relevant to this but on the other hand the person that raised the post needs to know that it is not that easy for a great deal of us so that they understand that it is not an easy matter. I actually wanted to know so I could do a deep dive into my browser to make it work and then tell the others. So yes not relevant to this particular subject, but important none the less. It has been happening for ages, I have even seen other people complain about it. It is a bit like the menus on the main Hornby website don't work for looking at orders. I know in that case I put a post on the forum so that people could eventually see them, in response to a members request.
  8. Fishmanoz on a lot of machines the delete and the edit option don't work, definitely on my machine it doesn't. Mine is an Dell desktop I7 running Chrome. So I imagine it is the same for a lot of people. As a matter of interest, it obviously works on your machine, so what browser and device are you using to view these posts, so I can do a bit on investigation.
  9. When I bought my HD Duchess of Linfield from Bure Valley and found it to be defective, when I phoned them up they said they normally test all their Locos, but being an HD they didn't and of course they didn't have a replacement. I know that because in the past I have bought one that was their last one but it failed on testing, so they canceled the order. The annoying thing about the HD was it cost about £10 to send it back, wait 1 month to let Bure Valley send it back (Hornby wanted photos and who knows what) and a month to send it back with it not really fixed. I didn't have the heart to ask Bure Valley for my postage back because it wasn't their fault and they are a charity.
  10. Thank you for the information about TamValley I will have a look at those. From what you say they might be more useful than the ones I presently use.
  11. It is a bit off subject but I have tried very different ways to power the frog. The Autofrog to me seems the best compromise for ease of fitting and cost as long as it is fitted properly as per instructions. I burnt one out when making the detected section too long. I have tried the Peco slider switches, I found that these put an undue load on the point motor and were very unreliable. The next idea I came up with was the computer microswitch that worked on the pin of the point I even had some 3D printed adapters made so they fitted better. Electrically very reliable but a pain to setup and they didn't always work properly due to the mechanical interface. Next one was to use the blade of the point to drive a relay, worked perfectly on DCC but because of the dummy pony truck on some Hornby models having super wide wheels, on some locos caused shorts going over the points. The effect of the dummy wheels was to create the same effect and switch the frog back. Next one I tried was the electronics to electronically latch on the switch, again it would have worked but if you switch the points manually the frog doesn't get energised. So as I said best compromise, yes it detects a short for a short period of time but if you properly insulate the frog as per instructions not an issue. Electrically for the milliseconds it takes to detect the short it is not going to be an issue. I have the best part of 60 points so the servo controlled ones was never a real option.
  12. I think you will find that they are the same thing. As the loco passes over the point it momentarily creates a short if the frog is powered wrongly and triggers a self latching relay. The relay has to be self latching as once the frog has been powered correctly, if it were an ordinary one it would return to its original state. So I think it is just what people call them. I don't know if there is anything else special. I have them on my layout an easy solution that works even when you switch the points manually.
  13. Unfortunately, TT-Man again you are right. I am surprised though that TMC didn't notice, from my dealings with them they seem to be a good retailer. Definitely Derails would have noticed they test all their locos but TMC usually do as well. I have never taken mine apart so I don't know how easy it is for it to get dislodged so I can't comment further. Sometimes it is easier to fix it yourself rather than pay the £10 + postage (loco is over £40, so you need to send it Special Delivery) to send it back. I suppose it must be possible for it to be fitted badly and still work.
  14. Just for clarity, so which technical specification are we referring to? It definitely appears in the catalogue but on most of my models no technical specification is included. I assume it must appear in the Hornby documentation housed on the web. There again just lately some models have been labelled as 8 pin and turn up with 21 pin. I am about to receive a Hornby Dublo Nigel Gresley so that will interesting as to which one they fit. The only saving grace is I have checked my models from Sonic, Rapido and Accurascale and again as far as I can see it also doesn't appear on the box although it does mention it in the instructions, but there again I always buy these DCC fitted so there is no need. Dapol and Bachmann it is clearly labelled along with the part number.
  15. Do you know TT-Man you are absolutely right, the ones that contain 21 pin sockets are clearly labelled but I was checking my ones I have bought in the last year and bar the 9F Evening Star and Elizabeth both 21 pin, none of them are labelled on the box. I never noticed. For Class 60 Helvellyn which is very new I read the instruction sheet included and it has a picture of an 8 pin decoder with header but nowhere as far as I can see is there mention of which one you fit. Even the high specification Hornby Dublo ones don't have it and that is December 2022. All Hornby locos up to when they released the purple Elizabeth are 8 pin but then there are some old exceptions where they dabbled with 21 pin, like City of Sheffield and a few others although I don't know the exact list. It is only recently that they have started including diagrams of fitting them. Something I complained about ages ago. So it looks like if it is 21 pin they label it, if 8 pin they don't. I don't have any TT ones so I cannot comment on those, I assume they do as they are a different fit.
  16. At the end of the day membership of this forum is voluntary (a lot of people forget that), so you can post as many rules as you want but eventually you will have no members. It has happened to many forums. Either way at the moment there is no solution. It would help if the delete key worked on the Edit/Delete menu then at least the poster could delete their own multiple posts but on my PC running Chrome it doesn't. All you can do is try to get your IT to fix it.
  17. Hornby are always running out of them, also I found the Bachmann ones although they look the same don't always fit. I think the last lot were genuine ones, I got off a woman on EBay. They are very fragile I just brushed the one on my 9f and it broke. I would recommend the magnetic ones from Hornby but they still use the same pockets.
  18. F1 definitely turns the sound on and off on my one, F28 though is off. Funny thing is it turns it off then there is a small burst after about 2 seconds before it goes off completely.
  19. I am sure it worked but I will check it again. I suppose there is a difference you have the 8 pin version, I have the 21 pin, but they should be the same software , so the functionality should be the same.
  20. Sadly yesterday was a bad day, it was taking nearly two minutes for the screen to acknowledge receipt of the post. As you said in your first post the necessary flag is well off the screen where nobody can see it, so the natural reaction is the hit it again and again until it disappears. That is why I raised the post as it puts off new members when they get nasty messages telling them they have multiple entries.
  21. I think on mine, F1 should turn it on and off but there is a delay. I do know on a Zimo that definitely happens because sometimes when I am checking things out like a wheel derailing, sound is a distraction.
  22. Brewman which Large Praire is it? I don't have one so I don't know much about them but I think I remember Sam reviewing two types, Hornby and Dapol. Now if it is the Dapol one and it has a 21 pin socket, when you push it back on check that the bottom connector isn't fouling a mounting screw and slightly lifting the decoder off the socket. On the tester there will be no such issue. If it is a Hornby ignore this post.
  23. I think last time I fitted a Zimo Sound Decoder you could buy an incredibly small one, I think it was about half the size of this offering. The small Zimo one is based off their 6 pin decoder but unlike a lot of the 6 pin decoders I have purchased it runs ok on OO. I fitted one in my split chassis Bachmann Sir Nigel Gresley because I didn't want to hack away too much of the model, so I can easily see how it would fit in a confined space. Usually getting a decent speaker to fit is the bigger issue.
  24. Oh dear DS if life was just that simple. On very many websites if the screen doesn't change it usually means that you have done something wrong, even on the Hornby one if it contains words the editor doesn't like it, it does likewise. Now I have got used to it, but even the other day it took over a minute for the screen to change, so I pressed it again as I assumed the mouse pointer wasn't exactly over the button or the operating system had missed the event from the pointer (yes, that happens occasionally). Hey presto I then get two entries. Many new members get 5 or 6, so it seems a common issue. So yes generally most people would press it once. I can see it is a difficult issue to fix and as 96RAF says you have asked to fix it many times, so I will leave it at that.
  25. I wonder if that will appear in the next series of Train Truckers. I think I remember reading that locos are stored there by a firm that reconditions them.
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