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Posts posted by Charles-722007

  1. I collect US, Canadian, and UK model railways.  I have been buying them for several decades.  Certainly longer than Sam has even been on this planet.

    I stopped watching Sam several months ago.  There are several reasons.  The first is when he claimed to have heard, from a good source, that TT would have traction tyres.  They do not.  Hornby said, from the beginning, that they would not, but Sam claimed otherwise.

    He then insulted a lot of Hornby collectors by saying that the Beatles wagons were 'tat'.  Many of us collect and enjoy those types of model railway items.  If he doesn't like them, then that is his right, but there was no need to insult us like that.

    He has both praised manufacturers and criticized different manufacturers for the exactly same thing.  The one consistent thing about Sams reviews is the inconsistency.

    He always complains about pricing, but I doubt he is actually doing any research into the cost of shipping these days and how it has escalated since covid.  If he took some time to research pricing on model railways, he would see that Hornby still has fair pricing.  I looked into getting some Australian locomotives, but those are even more expensive than Hornby, even without postage  The same with US locomotives like Athearn.

    I used to enjoy his videos and even bought a few items based on his reviews.  I viewed some other reviews on Hornby's new Black 5 and those were positive, but was appalled by the title of his Black 5 review.  I won't be watching it.

    I do think there might come a time when a Youtuber does cross a line and a manufacturer will have to take legal action to protect it's product and market share.

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