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A J Rimmer

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Everything posted by A J Rimmer

  1. Oh I don't know, they don't look far off - I'd be happy with it. Thanks!
  2. Well I added another coat of the tan, and then I blocked in the two-tone greens. Now I've got a rough idea of what colour is supposed to be where I can add extra coats, do a LOT of tiding up and sort out the canopy. It needs masking and a few gaps filling with Perfect Plastic Putty. Over all I'm pretty pleased with how it's going, if only because I've had a mental block about painting SEA camouflage for years - which is a bit of a problem if you like building USAF aircraft. Cheers!
  3. I agree, it does seem a nice kit - although I've not built one before. I have this one and the other that comes in the Club kit boxing. I've made some further progress and got the main parts together and added some filler to the seams. I found the fit of the wings a bit tight, but that's the price we pay for the gun bay detail I suppose. I might well open that up on my next one - it's a nice feature. Annoyingly I forgot to fit the pilot before I closed up the fuselage - he's a bit too big to go in now. I'll stick him in the spares box. Cheers!
  4. That does indeed look excellent!
  5. Both of those look excellent Gents! @Sailorman ah the Ark - love that ship. That's the kit I've actually tried to build twice but failed miserably.
  6. Thanks! Airfix make some stunning kits now, but back in the day they had a much wider range of subjects with some interesting types. They used to make a (for then) lot more modern jets than they do now. Basic in detail maybe, but generally good in shape. I find them quite fun to build.
  7. You know, if I had the space I could go for one of these 1/24 kits over a 1/32 - especially the Hellcat, Typhoon or this... Christmas maybe.
  8. @Dominic Thomas Thanks, yes that's pretty much what I do too - I just added the greens to see how they looked. Normally (or when I can be bothered lol!) I use Tamiya grey primer or even Humbrol #1 with are both lighter than the one I used on this build, that would have helped - but the other was closer to hand lol! I'm sure it'll look okay after a few coats.
  9. You did really well to get all three for just over a tenner! I'll pass though, if only as I've already a massive pile o' kits I'm already trying to reduce and quite a few part started 1/48th kits to finish! It's a good offer though.
  10. I've started working on a little 1/72 Typhoon - I've got the cockpit bits and bobs painted ready for assembly and the pilot painted (he looks a lot better in the flesh so to speak rather than blown up on screen. I'll post a proper thread up when I have some more progress. Cheers!
  11. Hi Ian, It's not so much that they're blue line - I have a lot of Hataka paints, they're my main paint brand and I've been using them from pretty much day one - I still even have some pots with the original black lids before they colour coded them... I generally use both Blue and Red line for brush painting, and both work well normally, but for some reason this particular boxing is a bit on the translucent side and the colour density is a bit low. That's not the norm in my experience - unless the formula has changed or this is an old box. They'll look okay after about four coats but it's obviously a fair bit of work on a four tone scheme to get that far, and I have a low boredom threshold lol! Cheers!
  12. Been slowing working on the painting - not my most favourite part of the build but one I try to do as well as I can. The brown has had one coat and needs a couple more, I just applied a bit of the two greens to see how it looked. This is brush painted with a USAF Hataka blue-line set. To be honest, I'm not having great results with the paints - this set seems to be lacking in colour density, but I'll make the best I can of them. Using a dark grey primer didn't help. Strange though as I normally get good results from Hataka and enjoy working with them. Cheers!
  13. A J Rimmer

    AJ's Portfolio

    This is just a collection of my finished builds - mainly Airfix but with a few others thrown in. Please feel free to comment and thanks for taking a look.
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