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A J Rimmer

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Everything posted by A J Rimmer

  1. From the album: AJ's Portfolio

    Built OOB using Humbrol and Citadel paints.
  2. Really interesting discussion chaps - I've never actually built a ship (okay I think I might have started one once) but it does looks from what you guys are saying that these old Airfixc kits are a good starting point for a bit of improvement. I've often thought that just the addition of some generic railing would look good.
  3. Cool, that sounds doable - thanks Andy!
  4. That's a cracking build, very well done you - I'd be well chuffed with that.
  5. @peebeep Cool idea - I'll get some of that and give it a whirl.
  6. Might work for the cheat lines actually, that's a good suggestion. I do have decals for the 'Microlease' etc. but its the red and white that'll cause me issues.
  7. @Topcat_Ern So the two go together okay?
  8. @modeling maniac lol! You're not wrong! I've got to bite the bullet at some point though - as I said I'd build if for my wife - she used to work for the company that operated it. It took me years to find the kit with the Microlease decals but I've since been put off by how on earth to mask the scheme lol! Makes the rigging look easy.
  9. Cools tips all! If anyone has any suggestions on how on earth to mask this - in 1/72 - I'd be grateful! https://i.postimg.cc/vTHc9M1b/IMG_9055.jpg
  10. Both of those look very good Andy - I've be very happy with those if I were you. I've never had a go at rigging a biplane, I guess I'll have to bit the bullet at somepoint. @Dominic Thomas That's a great tip - I would never thought to do that. Thanks!
  11. For those of us that're trying to reduce the size of our stash, you guys aren't helping lol!
  12. Great responses - that is pretty much what I'd guessed. It's interesting that WWII still has such a pull as a subject, I know it is to me.
  13. LOL - That's awesome - I love that! You total Geek! 😄
  14. How well do the scales mix do you think? I've been thinking of buying some of the RAF Recovery and refuelling sets from Airfix and combining them with a 1/72 aircraft to make some dio's, especailly a crashed Hurricane on the Queen Mary trailer as I have a spare ARMA fuselage. Not sure how it would look though - given the scale mis-match. I know some of you have made dios with the refueling sets etc. and wondered what you thought.
  15. I've been going through my stash of late, sorting through the 120 or so kits I have and putting what I don't want on everyone's favourite online market place, with the intent of getting it back down to a more manageable 50-odd. Whilst I've been doing this I've noticed that basically everything I want to keep, with a few exceptions, is from WWII. Which I guess makes sense as it's been one of my preferred parts of history to read about, even though I don't generally build WWII aircraft, having mainly concentrated on jets. I'm thinking that it might be nice to have an single era to concentrate on for a while. Just out of interest, what are your favourite eras - and what would you choose if you could only build from one?
  16. It's often good to view a kit as a blank canvas, that the modeller can with with what they wish. Looking good Richard, good recovery with the W.
  17. Interesting looking kit and aircraft. I've never had any luck building any of the Harriers - there's always something that seems to go haywire.
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