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  1. Thanks Fishman but I left school years ago …..
  2. Thanks guys will definitely look into this, just to prove the point I temporarily coupled the Princess tender with the replacement decoder in it to a different loco and it runs fine so the fault is definitely inside the loco somewhere, many thanks ..
  3. Thanks fish man for the detailed response, however I got so fed up I replaced the TTS decoder for a brand new one and it is exactly the same so I am guessing that there must be some sort of motor problem, I have a Hornby elite controller but all other models from various manufacturers all run as they should, many thanks..
  4. Hi I have a DCC Sound Princess Arthur of Connaught which I have had a couple of years from new but have never really been happy with the performance, just can’t get it to run at a constant speed I have tried changing the Back EMF cut off point and the Motor algorithms but nothing seems to make any difference, so I am looking for some help and suggestions as to how I can improve things, many thanks in advance, best regards.
  5. rugbyboys


    Looking at the new releases I noticed that there are not any new TTS models listed and the fact that Hornby are now offering DCC fitted models does this mean this is a pause in production or is this the end of TTS .
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