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  1. Thank you all for the replies sorry I couldn't reply earlier. I have an Arc Air as well I am going to to try that but also I will clean all track connections I will also see if an update for my pro is available and will come back and let you know. Thanks all particularly helpful is the fact that woodcotes tests gave the same as mine.
  2. I run an arc pro extended track for 6 cars but have it set for analogue so only use 2 cars. I have checked to voltage of both the transformer feeds they are 15volts but if I use the voltmeter on the tracks one gives 15volt at full throttle the other gives 8 volt. I suspected a controlker and synced a different controller. When using the track seems ok but when ysong just the 8volt lane the car stutters and stops. When using the app on a tablet the car stutters alk the time. Used different cars same result. Should the voltages be the same.
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