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Posts posted by LowRider32

  1. Hi all, 

    I have a (temporary) issue when racing with a ARC One track. Sometimes within racing  one lane of a straigth track seems to be unpowered. So the slotcar goes in but stops halfway within the track. The other car/lane can continue without any issue. 

    Interestingly this issue occurs after several laps/minutes of racing - but of course then the race is ruined.The rest of the track is fine.  We observed the issue but didn´t find a pattern yet. 

    We tried to fix it so far:

    - Changing the cars.

    - Cleaning the track.

    - Removing the track part and connect it again


    The track itself is approx. 9 m/30 ft. During last Xmas season we could run a track double length with the same ARC unit without any issue. We race analogue cars. 

    I ask the community for additional hints how to solve this! Thx

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