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Everything posted by SD45elect2000

  1. I wish it was my work, that’s either a compliment to me or to Grumps. Randall
  2. I am also looking for storage for the larger models. I'm looking at these as well. Where should I put those B-29s? Randall
  3. Yes, Its Airfix! Thanks for looking Dominic ! Randall
  4. Any feedback on the Arma Yak? Thumbs up/ down? Randall
  5. I'm not having issues, I'm still here. I may be missing it but if there were URLs for gallery photos that I could post on other sites perhaps some traffic will follow. Randall
  6. I read stories and build what I read about. Often entire squadrons. Randall
  7. You are thinking of “Yankee lady” that was destroyed last year in Texas in a collision with a P63. Nine O Nine was a year of two prior. We lost two preserved fortresses and an Airacobra in just a couple years… Randall
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