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Posts posted by ShredderLive

  1. The Caledonian Single was already cancelled this year. Apparently the tooling they used for the single was damaged.

    So Hornby would have to start from scratch. And I'm not sure they'll be interested as much as we are.

  2. Hornby will no doubt be announcing the 2024 range within the next few weeks.

    There's been a couple of disappointments in the 2023 range. Obviously the main being some models not actually coming out this year.

    My biggest disappointment personally was the cancelled Tri-Ang Remembered Caledonian Single train pack.

    But what would be the things that you would immediately pre-order if Hornby announced them for the 2024 range?

    I'll start with a couple.

    I'm a sucker for novelty. So if Hornby announced they were going to do a special Railroad Class 37 in Police livery like the old Lima one, then I'd be snapping one right up. Especially if they went a bit further, and put some blues and twos on it.

    I'd also love to see something like the old Giraffe car make a comeback. Or as another manufacturer has released gunpowder wagons, Hornby putting out an exploding one would be neat.

    When it comes to more serious models though, there's one long overdue an overhaul.

    There's no excuse to continue to make and sell the L&YR Pug using the old Dapol tooling anymore. Not when the Peckett and Ruston have shown just how much detail you can get in a small loco without breaking the bank.

    An actual replacement for the E2 would also be welcomed. The old ones were not great runners, and sadly the tooling was forever lost to make the Thomas models.

    A few Caledonian locos and coaches would be nice.

    And finally since Hornby has already done Rocket, Lion, and Tiger, I'd quite like to see the Furness Railway finally get some love in OO scale with a model of Old Coppernob.

    What's on your list?

  3. I'm curious to know if Oxford Rail locos are worth getting.

    I've seen them before in my local model shop, and have been tempted to buy a new Adams Radial from their range since Hornby don't do them anymore.

    But are the quality control issues and mechanical failures that plagued them still there, or has that been changed with Hornby's acquisition of them?

    I can find plenty of posts on YouTube and other forums highlighting design flaws with the rear bogie, mechanical issues that meant they were underpowered, and numerous cases of motors burning out. The mechanical issues also seemed to be present with their J26 and Dean Goods. Which put me off upgrading my old Mainline one.

    But I can't really find anything recent to say that there's some good ones, or their quality control has gone up now that Hornby have started selling them directly as well.

    The guy that runs my local model shop also told me that there was about a 50% return ratio on Oxford locos he sold whenever he got them in.

    And this was almost always due to mechanical failures. But he's also not had any in stock for nearly a year.

    So how do I tell if I'm buying something decent, or these are just lemons from Oxford's remaining stock?

    Or is my best bet to just look for a second hand Adams Radial?


  4. I was recently discussing pre-orders from the 2023 range with a friend, and one of mine is the Tri-ang Remembered Caledonian Train Pack.

    What puzzled me was that I recalled it including three coaches when it was announced and I stuck my order in. But it appears to be only two with the loco, according to the "What's Inside" section.


    Out of curiousity I had a check on the Wayback Machine, and sure enough it has a snapshot from Hornby's site on January 10th that says under "What's Inside" that there's a loco and 3 coaches included.

    I'm only 35 years old still. It's a bit too early for dementia to be kicking in.


    What's even more strange is that there's three pictures of coaches on the listing still. And it's not a case of Hornby having put two photos of the same coach up twice.

    Each coach has a unique number on it. The composites are numbered 460, and 461 respectively.



    While the brake coach is numbered 142.


    So which listing is correct?

    Have Hornby decided to reduce the number of coaches by one, and hope nobody would notice?

    I mean that would be a bit naughty to not tell customers who have ordered it already. And still keep up the images of three coaches knowing that one of them is not going to be included in the final product.

  5. So that's why I missed outgrinning



    If the option is available, select a stock notification update.



    Hornby's Customer Services have been in touch, and will be correcting my order with a new invoice number in the next day or two.



    So that might mean a few slots become available.

    I surely can't be the only one that was somehow marked down for more than one.

  6. So that's why I missed outgrinning



    If the option is available, select a stock notification update.



    Hornby's Customer Services have been in touch, and will be correcting my order with a new invoice number in the next day or two.



    So that might mean a few slots become available.

    I surely can't be the only one that was somehow marked down for more than one.

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