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John McTrain

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  1. I agree Johnangler. Doesn’t seem much value for £30
  2. I think it’s really disappointing the loco no longer appears to be included. I’m unlikely to renew as it doesn’t appear great value for money anymore.
  3. Thank you for all the suggestions. I like the look of the triang and playcraft. I will look for those. The Bachmann shelters look most like my local station, I think I will order some. Thank you
  4. Thank you for all the suggestions. I like the look of the triang and playcraft. I will look for those. The Bachmann shelters look most like my local station, I think I will order some. Thank you
  5. Hi Ive started my first layout and would like to add a couple of stations. I quite like the r8009 terminus and would like a small station/halt. The ones I’ve seen in the website whilst good all look quite old fashioned. Is it possible to get one more like modern stations with a glass shelter?
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