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  1. Hi just to clarify I wasn't try to suggest the Lais Stay alives were faulty, and I would have to agree the LaisDCC stay alives are good and preform exceptionally well when ive tested them. The ones I have have had problems with seem to be related to an issue connecting them up I'm beginning to I think older decoders that don't support Stay Alives and thus I've caused accidently the issue with them by connecting them initially to older decoder types, this is the 3rd time if tried them in different locos and decoders, they worked the first time perfectly well (I took them out of a couple of older locos to fit to the new decoders as they didn't work in the older decoder I had just put them in and potentially that's when they stopped either because I soldered them incorrectly or the older decoder did something to them so that's when they stopped working, my questions were around what could be wrong and more along the lines of trying to fix them after I had caused them to fail. I'm beginning to agree though with the other comments, the components are so small it's probably not worth the time or heartache to try and fix them and I will probably just end up ordering dome more to replace them (making sure to stay away from my older decoders this time - I'm replacing most with HM7000 as and when i can anyway)
  2. HI ColinB any chance you could help with the laisdcc power packs and what might be causing an issue with 3 I have, they were working but have stopped now and I suspect a component failure, either in the charging or discharging circuit but I'm not technically competent enough to fault find,, I was hoping someone on here might be able to assist please?
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