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  1. Now, if that is not enough inspiration for Hornby to downscale their forthcoming Coronation set, I don't know what is.
  2. That will be the 'Pocher Premium'- got to keep the riff raff away. Cheaper sources are available if you do a wider search. FWIW EBay items with included postage will often not discount for multiples so one ends up paying way over the going postage rate. Try going direct to the sellers own web site where far better rates may be found.
  3. M1.4 brass washers are readily available and are usually a good sliding fit on 1.5mm shafts (often sold as Pocher car upgrades) - other sources include the various material and thickness washers to be found in N20 motors.
  4. Maybe Hornby still have the Triang design references for the original, albeit that RTR model was somewhat compromised for its contemporary train set market and production abilities. On the other hand if Bachmann were to be convinced of a viable TT120 market they already produce excellent models of the original in OO and N and a switch to an in-between scale would be fairly simple for them to do, and it would remain a talisman model for them for many years. I am still somewhat surprised that we have not seen any mention by of a TT120 Brighton Belle of which we can have their own branded OO and Arnold N Gauge offerings. I find this particularly odd as Pullman is a bit of a Hornby 'thing' that already features prominently in their TT120 range. And I for one would buy any of the Blue Pullman iterations, but only in Nanking Blue.
  5. Adding to the European sources of UK Outline useful supplies Ferro-Train for Halling motor bogies Pojezdy for wheel sets, drive shafts, bearings and gearboxes
  6. This is reminding me of debates in the plastic kits realm where increasingly intricate, never to be seen again internal detail is becoming the norm, together with the associated design. tooling and retail costs. While this is great for the 'serious modeller' it is not of much practical use to those who want their Spitfires 'in flight' and who just want decent aircrew to fill the empty spaces.
  7. Mine do, and also have sanitiser dispensers available to all- its not only Covid that is contagious.
  8. It is a softer and much stickier variant of blue or white tack and not at all like tacky wax- which in itself might well do the same job.
  9. An easy solution for brightness is to paint over the exterior 'bulb' with a translucent colour in sufficient layers to suit ones taste- this works for both led sources and the ends of optical fibres. Such colours can range from dedicated modelling paints to handy bottles of nail varnish.
  10. I feel that if Revolution can come up with a low profile EMU/DMU drive (sub 9mm wheels ) that they will be able to corner a market in TT120.
  11. I used a pair of N20 motors in my diecast GG1 conversion and tested a dozen or so to get a decent speed match- so performance is quite variable, particularly at low voltages.
  12. From experience with laser cut ply, fret preparation of outer surfaces will greatly help the final appearance. This would mostly involve grain filling and sanding from which a finish approaching sheet styrene is fairly quickly and easily achieved. Then there is the quality of the laser cut itself which is largely a combination of production experience and machine maintenance. The first picture above shows less than ideal edge cuts (evident pulsing) which might make for awkward parts separation and the need for dressing during assembly.
  13. Another example of WR loco clearance issues, 18100 had its (admittedly rather large) buffers severely clipped to venture into the wider world as E2001.
  14. Didn't something similar occur with the Deltic prototype?
  15. I think the OO LNER Coronation coaches are about due- I'm expecting Hornby to announce they are doing them in TT120 with an upgraded A4 😀.
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