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  1. There was one V36 that ended up in Israel, too. It got as far as getting an official painting diagram from Israel Railways but they were never able to fix it well enough to put into regular service... still could be an interesting what-if to put beside a Kuehn V60.
  2. My LHS in BC gets it in stock. Do Walthers distribute Peco in general? (I don't know, I'm TT only, Walthers have never had anything for me before). If so, they may have it.
  3. Another thing that I think should be kept in mind is that Hornby have now tapped into a rather sizeable market on the Continent and beyond, people like me who have been fully committed to TT scale for years to decades, and now finally modelling British is an option too. On the German and Hungarian language TT fora I frequent the news of first Peco and Heljan then Hornby entering 1:120 was met with a fair bit of excitement and interest. Welcome to the wider world!
  4. It's an interesting coincidence though that one of Japan's accurate scale-to-gauge combinations is TTj - 1:120 on 9 mm track. But is it ever expensive... years ago I saw a D51 steamer from Tenshodo, RTR brass, for the price of a small car. The kits are quite pricey, too.
  5. Any new manufacturer in 1:120 is very welcome, regardless of what subjects they produce!. Really rooting for Hornby to have a great success, as it might make it that much more likely one of the bigger names in North America will jump at TT, too!
  6. Indeed. I've been working with Continental and North American TT myself since the 90s, I've always wanted to do something British, considered 3mm (to stick with 12 mm gauge at least), but the gauge/scale discrepancy has always put me off. This is finally letting me get into some British outline modelling, too! Japanese N is 1:150 - but they're modelling Cape Gauge, so it's supposed to be narrow gauge.
  7. Although I don't have much interest in the A4 broadly speaking, if in the future 'Dominion of Canada' were released I would pounce on it.
  8. 101, 119, 122 would be of most interest for me
  9. This is a full list of everything he's made thus far: https://www.ttnut.com/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=3655 If you search "railtt" on ebay the currently available products will come up, he sells primarily via ebay. If there's something specific you want from the all time list either I can pass it on, or you can post on the thread linked above (it's the North American TT scale forum, but not restricted to NorAm outline, anything goes as long as it's 1:120 and written in English)
  10. What time period? For more modern times (like 1970s onwards), there are a variety of sources for Continental and Asian types (if you can ignore that they're LHD)... https://sites.google.com/view/auta3d/auta-cars?pli=1 https://railnscale.com/modern-vehicles-tt-scale/ Herpa have some modern Continental lorries and Soviet-era East Bloc automobiles, various other producers make military equipment, mostly east bloc as well... and there is a guy in Ukraine (working under the name Rail TT) who makes North American road vehicles from a 1908 Ford to a 1950s Greyhound bus to a 1977 Trans Am in 1:120 (I can supply more info on this if needed too)...
  11. I had got some Dapols to install in the NEM pocket of a Roco M62 to represent the AAR-style coupler used in Korea, but found that they droop too. As well I found they put the coupler head lower than is correct for body-mounted couplers on NorAm models even though the pockets are at (almost) the same height, so even though theoretically the Dapols do mate with Microtrains/Kadee HOn3 couplers, in practice that didn't work out due to the difference in vertical position.
  12. I wonder how difficult it would be to modify these to install a coupler at the front?
  13. I'd be happy with Clan Line since it was assigned Weymouth in September 1965, but if I could have my pick of any it would be Canadian Pacific, or Orient Line. :)
  14. For GWR I'd want Hall/modified Hall. With you 100% on the Merchant Navy.
  15. Merchant Navy 35005 "Canadian Pacific"! BoB, Western, class 4 tank, class 42...
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