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  1. Therefore, buy dc train set + 12v 4amp dc psu +v2000 decoder to power track using adaptor in dc set. Several trains run, and I have the dc12v 1amp psu that comes in the set to power lighting. Is this finally workable?
  2. So I use a 12v dc psi, plugged into the adapter cable which gives me dcc? sorry to go on, but the dcc concept is new to me
  3. So, it seems my best bet is to buy the dc set and separate hm7000 decoder and fit it myself. That means I’ll get a 12v supply for lighting, etc. seems logical as I still need a 12vdcc supply
  4. Again thanks , but I intend to build a layout with several locos running at once. So 0.5 amps is not going to be enough is it?
  5. Thanks everyone for the advice. Clearly I misunderstand the 7000 system and it’s obviously the best way to go. So I’ve pre- ordered a set which includes dcc fitted loco which should arrive in summer, and I’ll find out then what decoder is fitted and what type of controller is supplied. Meanwhile I’ll finish of my 00 layou scenery and put it up for sale
  6. I’m thinking of getting 1 of the new Hornby train sets with a view to expanding it into a larger layout, probably an L shape 8ft x 2ft 6ins, for the long leg and 6ft by 2ft 6 for the shorter leg. I see that the sets come with dc control; what dcc controller would I need to run trains successfully on a dcc system? I don’t want to go down the HM7000 route owing to expense. I’m aware that n gauge and 00 gauge require different voltages. Are there any controllers suitable for dcc tt120?
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