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Curly 52

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  1. What voltage do the TT trains run at ,the controller supplied with the eastern set is rated at 19 volts output max, is this correct or will it harm the motors
  2. update on brand new 08 shunter set back for being very noisy, now returned from hornby repairs stating NEW CHASSIS ASSEMBLY FITTED UNDER WARRANTY as i have put away layout will have to wait till next year to test it. tyanks
  3. my tester is a fluke T5-600.the Easterner is still running fine pulling six assorted trucks behind it , still only running on the outer track , packing it away tomorrow, will keep you informed in the new year. should i use this thread or start a new one
  4. new shunter sent back to hornby repairs this morning , running very noisy and in reverse a whining sound was heard did not sound well at all. also on full speed was pulling 14 volts but with no train on tracks voltage was 12 volts, packing set away tomorrow will take it up again in the new year ,many thanks to everyone
  5. did run it in thats what i said above
  6. been running returned band new shunter this afternoon on and off sounded quite noisy and whining slightly, also running at max speed showing 13 to 14 volts on tester, with train off track and controller turned to max only showing 12 volts . therefore if a train motor is not running correctly will it draw more voltage , ie 13 or 14 volts. been running for about 2 to 3 hours on and off , will leave it off for a few hours then try it again
  7. just received my other BR shunter back from hornby ,have sent a complete new train this time probably because the casing had melted on the top of the old one, now running it in 20 min each way at a steady 9 volts. will continue on this thread now ,sorry for the confusion my mistake. also only have outer track powered up now. will let you know how it goes just got to send other shunter back hopefully
  8. up date, Easterner still running ok on outer track no problems. repaired shunter coming back today will run that for the next few days, inner track disconected electrically
  9. fishmanoz yes polarity is the same on inner and outer tracks also power clips are wired black to black and white to white . have now disconected inner and outer tracks electrically just running outside track. easterner still running fine today no problems, second shunter coming back from hornby repairs tomorrow will see how that runs. other shunter ran fine for six days when that come back but then seized up ,still to contact hornby about that, hopefully they will repair it again for me. GM100m controller is only one month old , this session with the trains is the first time using it and still one shunter has broken down. many thanks for everbodys help , have to put set away at the weekend probably till after xmas will let you no what happens
  10. new controller GM 100M is only 1 month old
  11. easy question , how often would you clean tracks, and whats the best way to clean my track rubber afterwards , many thanks
  12. can only have layout out for a few more days then have to pack layout away takes up half off our back room , awaiting other shunter to come back from hornby , will disconect inner track and just run outer track may have to try this next time layout is up, could now be after xmas, will keep you informed . thanks to everyone for your help
  13. have removed train from track, set controller to forward and zero tester says zero, set controller to max tester reads 12volts set to reverse tester shows same results only in the negative . cannot test AC as tester differentiates between AC and DC automatically , many thanks
  14. GS mains power is disconected every night and plugged back in next morning , also always use the off switch when not running any loco,s many thanks
  15. back again switched on my GBRF shunter this morning only for it to stutter on start up then stop i immediately switched off the power. on lifting the loco off the track it felt warm another burnt out motor. released my Easterner from a sideing on to the main track and this ran fine, tested power to track that was fine 1 to 12 volts am at a loss to know whats causeing this problem. when a train is on a track there is continuity between the rails is that correct , also when you change direction the polarity on the rails changes is that correct, thank you
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