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  1. I have an earlier Bachmann 37 fitted with sound and an Accurascale 37, also sound fitted. The Accurascale is a more detailed loco but I find the Bachmann acceptable, I'm not a rivet counter, and it cost me less than half of the price of the Accurascale, though that was some years ago. As far as weight goes, the Bachmann comes in at 556 grams, whilst the Accurascale is a more hefty 694 grams, some 25% heavier. Unfortunately, I don't own any Hornby Railroad locos, though I do have some from the standard range. The nearest I have to the 37 is a pair of 31s, which weigh 437 and 467 grams, though of course, they are slightly smaller locos. @Deem, is there not space in your 37's body to add liquid weight or even some solid weights?
  2. I decided to contact Railmaster support regarding the future direction of Railmaster, if any. The response I received was:- The answer is in fact that we are preparing an update, including hardware, though we have had a few setbacks. The new update will include newer Hornby locos, accessory decoders, loco decoders and much more. We regret that things have taken a while, however we will get there and are sure you understand the situation. Regards RailMaster Support Despite being a fairly positive reply, “much more” is a bit cryptic, though I guess most of us are assuming it will include loco detection. And there’s still no indication as to when any update(s) will be released. Fingers crossed it won’t be too long.
  3. Hi Norrie655, I've always used Double Pulse = 1, a bit of belt and braces approach really, just to ensure the point gets the message. Never experienced any issues, though I do use Cobalt IP motors, rather than solenoid based ones. You say double pulse hasn't worked for a while, so I assume it has worked before. How have you determined it no longer works? What type of point motors do you use and which accessory decoder, if any? Have any of these changed recently? Bit of a long shot, but it has been mentioned on numerous occasions before that the ini file can be a bit fussy about the order of the parameters in the file. Have you changed your ini file lately and where in the file dose the Double Pulse parameter appear?
  4. Thanks 96RAF for the info to potentially fix an elite that won't read cvs. I suspect my soldering skills won't be up to the task either, having seen how small the components are in the image. I use Cobalt IP point motors on my layout so, rightly or wrongly, I wired them into the main power bus. Thus I operate the layout using one elink with a 4amp power supply, now that the elite is effectively out of use. Seems to work OK as I can operate half a dozen locos without any problem.
  5. Thanks for the replies all. Seems any new releases are still some way off. The latest response from RM, as solicited by Charlie 66, has been seen before. Very non committal, so in my opinion, disappointing. I accept it's a useable product, despite still having a few bugs in it. In fact I use it regularly, but would still like to see it move forward, even if it's only to bring it up to date in terms of the latest Hornby locos and the raft of new decoders. I have invested in the software, an Elite that has now been side-lined because it won't read CVs (Hornby have declared it beyond economical repair), an eLink and a spare eLink, plus my time in drawing the track layout and entering scores of locos and reading their CVs into the database. Consequently, I'm a bit reluctant to jump ship to another product. Fingers crossed that RM can deliver the goods before I shuffle off this mortal coil!
  6. To get this topic back on track (excuse the pun), does anyone have any indication as to when, if ever, there will be another major release of Railmaster? Despite the rumours that a new release would be available by the end on 2023, here we are in mid-May 2024 and, well, nothing! According to the Railmaster release notes, release 1.60 was made available in January 2015. Since then, 9 years and 4 months ago, there has only been one major release, 1.70, in February 2019. 5 years and 3 months after that, we are still wailing for release 1.80. There’s little wonder that members are questioning the future of Railmaster.
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