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  1. Had a look at Brian Lambert's site, I'm frazzled Also the Hornby surface mounted point motor instruction leaflet is very confusing. R8243 Surface Mounted Point Motor Multilingual.pdf (lendonsmodelshop.co.uk) The diagramme shows 3 wires going to a terminal block and shows 3 wires coming from the track but not where they connect to the track
  2. I've removed the turnouts from the two ovals and the are now seperated from each other
  3. My layout is basically two interconnected ovals. I'm going to isolate them and run one as DC and the other as DCC.
  4. ntpntpntp, I don't think my inventory will be that detailed. Just photos of box and train. Then I'll but the boxes in the attic and that will be their forever home. My Hornby Dublo 3 rail will be going up there as well.
  5. I have very few DCC installed or dcc ready locos so I'm going to stay on DC for the time being. I have a reversing loop which I'm going to automate and put my Cricket grounds in it. Interesting aside, my Daddy had 7 brothers and they had their own cricket team.
  6. @HST Mainline Will try this first.
  7. I'm confused about whether I can use a Hornby turnout straight from the box on a DCC layout. Most of the turnouts go to sidings, some allow transfer from one oval to another.
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